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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/19

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the Iſle of MAN.

there was an Iſland. This Miſt, contrary to Nature, was preſerved by keeping a perpetual Fire, which happening once to be extinguiſhed, the Shore diſcover'd itſelf to ſome Fiſhermen who were then in a Boat on their Vocation, and by them Notice was given to the People of ſome Country, (but what, they do not pretend to determine) who ſent Ships in order to make a further Diſcovery: That on their landing, they had a fierce Encounter with the little People, and having got the better over them, poſſeſs'd themſelves of Caſtle Ruſſin, and by degrees, as they received Reinforcements, of the whole Iſland. Theſe new Conquerors maintained their Ground ſome time, but were at length beaten out by a Race of Giants, who were not extirpated, as I ſaid before, till the Reign of Prince Arthur, by Merlin, the famous Britiſh Enchanter. They pretend alſo, that this Iſland afterward became an Aſylum to all the diſtreſs'd Princes and Great Men in Europe, and that thoſe uncommon Fortifications made about Peel-Caſtle were added for their better Security: but of this, I shall treat more copiouſly when I come to the Deſcription of that Place.
