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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/42

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A Deſcription of

First, of their Schools: The Maſters of them are generally choſen out of the Clergy: how improperly the Motto over St. Paul's School, Ingredere ut Proficies, would ſuit one of theſe, may be eaſily concluded from the Character of the Learning of theſe temporal Maſters; but as no more is reaſonably to be expected from any Man than he is capable of performing, the great Deficiency in the ſcholastic Part of the Education of Youth here, we will, in Charity, rather reckon a Miſfortune than a Fault or Neglect in the Teachers. Yet one Error, and that an enormous one, I cannot omit mentioning, that they admit into their Schools the Children of Papiſts, as it were, for no other purpoſe than to keep them in Ignorance, taking ſo little regard of them, that like Betrayers of their Profeſſion in every Capacity, they ſuffer them to go on in Blindneſs, and divert themſelves with Fables or Legends; while other Boys of the ſame Age, are inſtructed in an Explanation of the Church Catechiſm, publiſh'd in Engliſh and Manks for that purpoſe, and are every Sunday publickly examined therein in their reſpective Churches or
