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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/43

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the Iſle of MAN.

Chapels; in which Places, the former are wholly exempted from ever appearing. The Methods made uſe of by the Popiſh Prieſts, to continue under their heavy and intolerable Yoke, the ignorant Vulgar, are call'd Pious Frauds; their Labours in converting Men of different Communions, a Pious Zeal: This Clergy have alſo their Frauds, but want the Zeal. They neither plant, nor water, nor pray to God for Increaſe of the true Faith. They are ſo far from ſuppreſſing Popery in its Infancy, that they even educate Youth under thoſe miſtaken Principles; by which means it takes ſuch deep Root in the Adult, and is ſo cultivated and corroborated by the Neglect of the ſleepy Servant, and the Diligence of the Enemy, that it becomes irradicable in unbending old Age. Another dangerous Inconvenience ariſing from hence, is, the frequent Opportunities which the Popish Children have of corrupting, irretrievably corrupting, the tender Principles of their Proteſtant School-fellows. Let no Man cenſure me, that I have uſed Words ſo harſh as irretrievably corrupting, which Expreſſion may eaſily be allowed me, when the Indolence and Inabilities of theſe
