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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/45

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the Iſle of MAN.

from the Error of his way, ſhall ſave a Soul from Death, and ſhall hide a Multitude of Sins. Hence ariſe thoſe Bickerings, thoſe Railings, thoſe Backbitings, and Animoſities, which infeſt this Iſle, and diſturb the Tranquillity of it. This great Evil, and its Cauſe and Original, was lately complained of (the Biſhop being then in England) to the Vicar-General, by ſome Proteſtant Engliſh Gentlemen, who offered to prove that a Popiſh Prieſt then reſided and officiated at Duglas; deſiring, that if Confinement, and a legal Trial were deemed too ſevere, he might at leaſt be diſmiſs'd, before the Contagion of his Doctrine ſhould ſpread too far. This Complaint, and Petition, tho' often repeated, were abſolutely rejected by the Vicar-General; and the Prieſt went on (ſo long as he thought ſit), without Fear or Moleſtation. Are there Men the true Paſtors? Are not theſe the Hirelings who flee through Fear, and leave the Sheep committed to their Care a Prey to the ravening Wolf?

Over the elder People of the Iſland, theſe Men reign with the joined Power of ſpiritual Paſtors and Maſters: their

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