School-maſters are conſidered. Are not theſe Men then thoſe wicked ones, who, in effect, ſow the Tares among the Wheat?
After what I have ſaid of the temporal Maſters, let me add to them the ſpiritual Paſtors, equally negligent, and therefore equally guilty. It is most notorious that ſome Popiſh Prieſt or other, is ſent over thither once, twice, or oftner in a Year, and there exerciſe their Function, in private Houſes, in all its Branches. They do not indeed expoſe themſelves to the Penalties of the Laws (if yet there beany penal Law againſt them in that Iſland) by going about to make Converts; their Converſation when amongſt Proteſtants, is free and open on general Subjects. They confine themſelves much among their own People, and leave this dirty dangerous Work to their Slaves, the bigotted Laity, by frequently inculcating into them the neceſſary Duty imply'd in their perverted Explanation of the two laſt Verſes of the general Epiſtle of St. James, viz. Brethren, if any of you do err from the Truth, and one convert him; let him know that he which converteth the Sinner