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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/53

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the Iſle of MAN.

would not be thought to confine ſuch Penance to any particular Seaſon of the Year, but think the Puniſhment ſhould be inflicted at a convenient Diſtance of Time aſter the Conviction of the Offender. To the Doctrines of our Holy Church, the expreſs Law of God, I pay entire Obedience: to her Diſcipline, the Inſtitution of Men, not repugnant to the former, nor corrupted by Innovations, I ſubmit: ſo, on the other hand, all illegally aſſumed Power, all tyrannical and unjuſt Cenſures, and Sentences eccleſiaſtical, I shall with my utmoſt Endeavours oppoſe; not doubting but ſuch arbitrary Judicature will in Time prove as fatal to the Church, as in the laſt Age a pretended High Court of Juſtice was to the Monarchy. But as I poſſibly may have occaſion to ſpeak more of this Head elſewhere, I ſhall leave it here for the preſent, and obſerve what Advances they make toward eſtabliſhing their Hierarchy from their other Doctrine, viz. the Power of the Priesthood. And this is, indeed, their Corner-Stone, the Foundation on which the ſtupendous Structure is erected to ſuch a gigantic and formidable Heighth, moſt exactly framed after the Model ſet before them their
