in compelling her to take the only means which could detect her.
But to return, tho' the Deſign in the firſt Inſtitution of Purging was certainly good, and may deter thoſe who conſider the Danger of taking a falſe Oath, and calling the ſupreme. Name of God to witneſs an Untruth, from entring into any unwarrantable Engagement; yet when there is ſo little Care taken by the Prieſthood, to inſpire a juſt Notion of things, as I before ſaid, it ſerves rather to add Sin to Sin, by ſuffering theſe poor Ignorants to enhance their future Puniſhment, in avoiding the preſent one.
Here I think it may be convenient to clear myſelf from any Reflections which may be caſt on me as a Cenſurer of Church Diſcipline; I acknowledge (as every Member of the Church of England ought) that in the Primitive Church there was a godly Diſcipline; that at the Beginning of Lent, ſuch Perſons as ſtood convicted of notorious Sins were put to open Penance: and farther, I join with the Church, in wiſhing that the ſaid Diſcipline may be reſtored again: nay, I