ſafe, and the Barn-Door cloſe, immediately returned, but not ſo ſuddenly but that the new-born Babe was taken out of the Bed, as the former had been, and dropt on their Coming, in the Middle of the Entry. This was enough to prove the Fairies had made a ſecond Attempt; and the Parents ſending for a Miniſter, join'd with him in Thanksgiving to God, who had twice delivered their Children from being taken from them.
But in the Time of her Third Lying-in, every body ſeem'd to have forgot what had happened in the Firſt and Second, and on a Noiſe in the Cattle-Houſe ran out to know what had occaſioned it. The Nurſe was the only Perſon, excepting the Woman in the Straw, who ſtay'd in the Houſe, nor was the detained thro' Care, or, Want of Curioſity, but by the Bonds of Sleep, having drank a little too plentifully the preceding Day. The Mother, who was broad awake, ſaw her Child liſted out of the Bed, and carried out of the Chamber, tho' ſhe could not ſee any Perſon touch it; on which, the cryed out as loud as he could, Nurſe, Nurſe! my Child, my Child is taken away; but the