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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/67

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the Iſle of MAN.

sold Woman was too faſt, to be awaken'd by the Noiſe ſhe made, and the Infant was irretrievably gone. When her Huſband, and those who had accompany'd him, returned, they found her wringing her Hands, and uttering the moſt piteous Lamentations for the Loſs of her Child: on which, ſaid the Huſband, looking into the Bed, the Woman is mad, do not you ſee the Child lies by you? On which The turned, and ſaw indeed ſomething like a Child, but far different from her own, who was a very beautiful, fat, well-featured Babe; whereas, what was now in the room of it, was a poor, lean, withered, deformed Creature. It lay quite naked, but the Clothes belonging to the Child that was exchanged for it, lay wrapt up all together on the Bed.

This Creature lived with them near the Space of nine Years, in all which Time it eat nothing except a few Herbs, nor was ever ſeen to void any other Excrement than Water: it neither spoke, nor could ſtand or go, but ſeemed enervate in every Joint, like the Changeling I mentioned before, and in all its Actions
