Prints of ſeveral ſmall Hands. Several of the Towns-People went with her to the Mountain, and the conducting them to the Spot, the little Antagoniſts were gone, but had left behind them Proofs (as the good Woman ſaid) that what the Girl had informed them was true; for there was a great deal of Blood to be ſeen on the Stones. This did ſhe aver with all the Solemnity imaginable.
Another Woman equally ſuperſtitious and fanciful as the former, told me, that being great with Child, and expecting every Moment the good Hour, as ſhe lay awake one Night in her Bed, the ſaw Seven or Eight little Women come into her Chamber, one of whom had an Infant in her Arms: they were followed by a Man of the ſame Size with themſelves, but in the Habit of a Miniſter. One of them went to the Pail, and finding no Water: in it, cried out to the others, What muſt they do to chriſten the Child? On which, they reply'd, it ſhould be done in Beer. With that, the ſeeming Parſon took the Child in his Arms, and performed the Ceremony of Baptiſm, dipping his Hand into a great Tub of Strong-Beer, which