ſhowed itſelf to be of the ſame Nature.
A woman who lived about two Miles diſtant from Ballaſalli, and uſed to ſerve my Family with Butter, made me once very merry with a Story ſhe told me of her Daughter, a Girl of about ten Years old, who being ſent over the Fields to the Town, for a Pennyworth of Tobacco for her Father, was on the top of a Mountain ſurrounded by a great Number of little Men, who would not ſuffer her to paſs any farther. Some of them ſaid The should go with them, and accordingly laid hold of her: but one ſeeming more pitiful, deſired they would let her alone; which they refuſing, there enſued a Quarrel, and the Perſon who took her Part, fought bravely in her Defence. This ſo incenſed the others, that to be revenged on her for being the Cauſe, two or three of them ſeized her, and pulling up her Clothes, whipped her heartily; after which, it ſeems, they had no farther Power over her, and the run home directly, telling what had befallen her, and ſhowing her Buttocks, on which were the