who was ſome Years ſince executed for the Murder of her Child. I have heard not only Perſons, who have been confined there for Debt, but alſo the Soldiers of the Garriſon affirm they have ſeen it various Times: but what I took moſt notice of, was the Report of a Gentleman, of whoſe good Underſtanding, as well as Veracity, I have a very great Opinion. He told me, that happening to be abroad late one Night, and catched in an exceſſive Storm of Wind, and Rain, he ſaw a Woman ſtand before the Caſtle-Gate, where being not the leaſt Shelter, it ſomething ſurprized him, that any body, much leſs one of that Sex, ſhould not rather run to ſome little Porch, or Shed, of which there are ſeveral in Caſtle-Town, than chuſe to ſtand ſtill expoſed and alone, to ſuch a dreadful Tempeſt. His Curioſity exciting him to draw nearer, that he might diſcover who it was that ſeemed ſo little to regard the Fury of the Elements, he perceived the retreated on his Approach, and at laſt, he thought, went into the Caſtle, tho' the Gates were ſhut: this obliging him to think he had ſeen a Spirit, ſent him home very much terrified; but the next Day, relating his Ad-