venture to ſome People who lived in the Caſtle, and deſcribing, as near as he could, the Garb and Stature of the Apparition, they told him it was that of the Woman above mentioned, who had been frequently ſeen, by the Soldiers on guard, to pass in and out of the Gates, as well as to walk thro' the Rooms, tho' there was no viſible Means to enter.
Tho' ſo familiar to the Eye, no Perſon has yet, however, had the Courage to speak to it, and, as they ſay, a Spirit has no Power to reveal its Mind without being conjured to do ſo in a proper manner, the Reaſon of its being permitted to wander is unknown.
Another Story of the like Nature, I have heard concerning an Apparition, which has frequently been ſeen on a wild Common near Kirk Jarmyn Mountains, which, they ſay, aſſumes the Shape of a Wolf, and fills the Air with moſt terrible Howlings.
But having run on ſo far in the Account of ſupernatural Appearances, I cannot forget what was told me by an Eng-