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Page:The History and Description of the Isle of Man.djvu/8

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A Deſcription of the

Juriſdiction. It has had ſeveral Lords; ſuch generally as had the greateſt Intereſt in our Princes: till the Grant hereof, together with the Patronage of the Biſhoprick, was made to Sir John Stanley, and his Heirs, by King Henry the Fourth; in which Family it is ſtill continued.

Thus far the Account given by Mr. Moll in his Compleat Geographer may be depended on, but he is guilty of a groſs Miſtake, in ſaying the Soil is extremely fruitful, and produces Wheat, Rye, and Barley, in ſuch Plenty, that it not only furniſhes the Inhabitants, but likewiſe allows great Quantities to be exported. Whereas 'tis notoriouſly known, that the little Wheat they have, is ſo bad, that thoſe who eat Bread made of it, have the Corn from England or Ireland. As for Rye, I never ſaw any there; Barley for the moſt part they have enough of, to make Malt for themſelves, but never to ſend abroad. Oats is their chief Produce, of which they make Bread, as alſo of Potatoes; the Land affording ſuch Abundance, that Fields of them are almoſt as common as Graſs.
