Page:The History and Travels of Hector Maclean, Late Sailor.pdf/19

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the water, one of which jumped ſo very high that ſhe lighted directly above the Negro in to Bottom of the Canoe; which was with ſuch force that ſhe broke the Negro's back, and ſmothered him where he lay,

Virginia is a pleaſant and delightful Country, and abounds with fine Fruits, and many ſtrange Animals. Here is the Pointer who hollows in the Woods with the Voice like a Man; and if he can trapan a Perſon within his reach, he will inſtantly devour him. He is of the Dog kind, and very ſwift and fierce. Here too the Bull Frogs make such hideous croaking noiſe in the Marſhes, that it is impoſſible for a ſtranger to ſleep near them: And the Fire Flies in the Night make a wonderfull Appearance. The Torbin too is a ſtrange amphibious Animal, with a Head like a Frog, and Eyes like a Bird, with a Shell like a Turtle, under which he withdraws his Head from Danger at Pleaſure, and from which he extends it again when his fright is over. This Creature is bigger then a large Pattan. I brought one alive to Glaſgow, under the Hen Coop, which fed upon the Excrements of the Fowls during the Paſſage.

There is a ſtrange Inſect in Virginia, called the Ball Tumbler, which forms a Bowl of Earth; and one of thoſe Inſects at every End of this Bowl of Earth continue to roll it along the whole Day and when Night comes on they go to reſt under the lee of the Bowl, and return to their drudgery when the Day begins: It is about the ſize of an Acorn and their Bowl with which they employ themſelves to the end of their Days is about the ſize of a Musket Bullet.

When I was in North Carolina, there came twelve of the Engliſh Indians, with a Scald to theGovenor