Page:The History and Travels of Hector Maclean, Late Sailor.pdf/20

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Govenor, and demanded their Reward for it. They were in comical Dreſs, and looked more like Savages then Britiſh Allies; their Ears were cut ſo as to hang down like a Trencher, their Hair pulled off from the Forehead to the Crown, from whence it hung down their Backs as black as a Raven: They had their Bows and Arrows hung under their Arms, and a ſingle Pidgeon flying paſt their Colonel, he being walking in the Street of Willmington, drew an Arrow from his Bag, and moſt dexterouſly ſhot her dead at a great Diſtance. The Colonel wore as a Badge of Pre-eminence a Plate of Silver round his Arm, and another Officer wore ſuch a Badge as our Captains on their Breaſt, Their Women were along with them, and ſeemed inſenſible of Shame, cloathed only with a Shirt to their Heels as black as the Chimney. They devour what Victuals was given to them by the People of the Town with great Greedineſs, reſembling Wolves. The Men were naked, except a Bit of Blanket on their Shoulders, and they, as well as ths Women, are all bare-footed. They were ſtronger and taller then our People. Some gave them Money, others Meat, and the Town's People were not a little afraid of them, though they were their Allies.

On our Outward bound Paſſage from Glaſgow to New England, being near the Banks of Newfoundland, our Ship going at the Rate of ſix Knots an Hour, a Whale roſe under our Bow, and the Ship with great Force ſtruck the Fiſh on the Side; ſhe went down with a Plunge, and made the Water riſe to a great Height, above the Deck. After ſhe went out of our Sight, we founded our Pumps, and found a deal of Water in our Hold; upon which the Captain ordered us two and two in ourturn