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The Hiſtory of

and firſt they beat him with their fiſts, and cudgelled him, at the length having him naked, ſo cruelly they ſinged himn, that not being able to indure the pain, the promiſed to ſhew them where the treaſure was. He ſhewes unto them a ditch full of ſtones, which they, out of the great deſire they had of the gold, did empty, but finding nothing there, they exclaim on him, and beat him afreſh. He acknowledgeth that he knew of no treaſure, but through extremity of paine had ſaid ſo much, when they had ſoundly cudgelled him. they with clots afterward beat him into the ditch, and ſo buried him under that heap of ſtones. The third day after, theſe bloudſuckers light upon the Paſtor in the Village of Popowitzh, and after they had miſerably tortured him left him half dead, but he recovered, and lived five dayes after, but never ſaw his two daughters, whom thoſe lewd fellowes had led away with them, and ſhamefully abuſed.

5. Wenceſlaus Iakeſſius was Miniſter of Kaunicium, four miles diſtant from Prague, whom they carried to Koſtelicium beyond Albis, and for the ſpace of one moneth and ſomewhat more, they many wayes perplexed him with new invented mockeries: They ſpit in his face, buffered him with their fiſts, and not onely ſo, but left him to the mercy of every vild raſcall to be beaten: They ſo ſtrained his head with a knotty cord twined about his head with a ſtick,
