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Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/169

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

that his very eyes ſwelled in his head. Alſo they let looſe a wild horſe upon him in the middeſt of a Court-yard, which no ſooner came neare him, but he leaped quite over him and did him no harme; at length he redeemed himſelf with much ado, by paying five hundred Florences for his ranſome. They took alſo with him Paulus Welwarius Paſtor of Czelakowcenſe, whom, becauſe hee had a farre greater eſtate, they handled more ſharply, and ſometime covered him over with hot buruing Coles, and ſomtime with ice until he was conſtrained to pay one thouſand five hundred Florences, but after ſome few days by reaſon of thoſe extreamne paines hee yielded up the Ghoſt.

6. Andreas Stembergius Budinus being brought by fifteene horſemen from his Pariſh to Koſtelicium, was miſerably tortured by twiſting a cord about his head, and not onely ſo, but they tied his hands behind him, & bound his feet with a ſmal cord, and ſo flang him on his back with an intent the next morning to have tortured him with fire, but in the night time moſt miraculouſly he was ſet at liberty, for being earneſt & at his prayers among other portions of the Pſal. reciting theſe words. In thee O Lord is my truſt, he perceived his feet & his hands to be looſened; he therefore raiſeth himſelf up, and goeth unto the gate, and doth paſſe by the watch-men, being three in number; the one ſtood at the paſſage with his hand upon his

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