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Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/172

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The Hiſtory of

rie Laurentius Curtius Paſtor of Netimenſe, a man of threeſcore yeares of age, and his wife were cruelly burnt by a Souldier that demanded money of them, inſomuch that both preſently died.

14. Paulus Pſenizzka Paſtor of Bochdalovia, very neere ſeaventy yeares of age, was hanged by the privie parts by an impious ſouldier, and his owne bookes burnt under him, in the middeſt of theſe torments crying out for mercy, by one of the company of ſouldiers, he was periced through with a bullet, and by his mercifull pitty ended his paines with his life.

15. Bartholemew Jaworſki of the pariſh of Kerkovia a godly man, and a good pattern for other men to follow, about the ſame time was aſſeſſed by certaine robbers to pay ſeaven hundred Florences, after that they plundred him of all his houſhold ſtuffe; and then attempting to murther him, he fled forth of the doores from them, and flying from them purſuing him, his bowells burſt out, &c.

16. Elias Severinus Paſtor of Pribicen, did not eſcape their wicked hands, whom they left for dead, after they had very much wounded and had cut him more then halfe through his neck, yet he by the commiſeration that ſome tooke of him, was carried to a Chirurgion that was an Anabaptiſt, he lived after that obout two yeares, but in extreame pain and torment.

17. John