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The Bohemian Perſecution.

Secretary of the Queſtor, being a young man; which act a notable example of the Romiſh Religion was ſhewed. For caſting the miſerable man flatte on his backe, they filled his mouth with Gunpowder, ſet fire to it, and tore all his jawes and there devilliſh diſpoſitions taking pleaſure in to barberous ſpectacles, miſerably killed him.

12. Adam Piſecius was Paſtor of Byreſchrum in Moravia in the Dominion of Charles of Zerotina, who becauſe his Patron had kept faith with ſar, feared no hurt, and entertaining curteouſly both in language and geſture, the Souldiers that came unto him, being wanting in nothing that might ſpeake their welcome, but they aſſoone as they began to have knowledge of the Miniſter, were mad, and firſt of all beat him ſhrewdly, and then kill him as he was flying to the porch of the Temple, and ſtript him of his clothes and robd the houſe. And when ſome godly people intending to bury him, had caſt a cloake over him, the Souldiers running thither not onely do take it away, but tore it in a great rage, neither content with this, they burnt his library which he had diſpoſed of in three places; and becauſe no man durſt come ſo long as this company of vile and naughty men remained there, this Martyr lay ſeven weekes unburied, and then was buried by ſome certaine Scholars.

13. In the ſame year 1621. on the 17. of lanua-

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