- Abortion, treatment of, 161.
- Abstinence from pork, necessary in hot climates, 23.
- Acorns, pigs thrive on, 182.
- Age, great, of wild boars, 48.
- Agricultural societies, influence of, on breeding, 176.
- America,
- importation of breeds of swine into, 61;
- six species of hogs in, 58;
- wild boars in, 57.
- Analogy between the Chinese and their pigs, 64.
- Anatomy of swine, &c. 101,
- Ancients, boar-hunts of, 48.
- Anecdotes of pigs, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.
- Anglo-Saxons, boar-hunts of, 50.
- Animal substances, feeding swine on, 188.
- Apoplexy in pigs, 108.
- Apparatus for preparing pigs' food, 200.
- Apples, swine fed on, 189.
- Ardennes, wild boar of, 52.
- Armor, hogs in, or Tatous, 15.
- Ashes given to pigs, 197.
- Attachments of swine, 39.
- Autumn, best time for fattening pigs, 190.
- Babiroussa, the, 14;
- at Zoological Gardens, 14.
- Bacon,
- curing, 213;
- derivation of the word, 213;
- importation of, 220.
- Bakewell, Mr., his pigs, 80.
- Bavarian pigs, 68.
- Beans, feeding swine on, 181, 187.
- Beasts of draught, pigs used as, 36, 37.
- Bedford, Duke of, cut of his Berkshire sow, 86.
- Bedfordshire pigs, 82.
- Beech mast, swine fed on, 182.
- Bement, Mr., of Albany, on breeding pigs, 61.
- Berkshire pigs, 85.
- sow, cut of a, 86.
- Bladder, the, 134;
- inversion of, 135.
- Bleeding swine, 134.
- Blood, hogs', used as holy water, 65.
- Boar hunts, laws respecting, 48, 49, 50.
- of the ancients, 49.
- of the Anglo-Saxons, 50.
- Boars, choice of, for breeding, 150.
- Boar's Head,
- Christmas dish, 51;
- presented to the hangman, 51;
- at Queen Margaret's wedding dinner, 51.
- Boars,
- tamed, 39;
- technical terms for, 50;
- wild, see "Wild Boars."
- Bothnian pigs, 68.
- Brain of the hog, 107;
- inflammation of, 108.
- Bran, feeding pigs on, 189.
- Breeding, rules respecting, 149, 150.
- swine, how far profitable, 170.
- Breeds improved by judicious crosses, 153;
- which are the best, 153.
- Breweries, pigs fed on refuse of, 179.
- Brine, poisonous properties of, 220.
- Bristles,
- ropes made from,74;
- use made of, 34.
- Bronchial tubes, 122.
- Brushing pigs, 202.
- Butcher, profit of pigs to the, 206