- Cæsarian operation performed on a sow, 153.
- Cape, the, the phaco-choeres in, 15.
- Capibara, the, 15.
- Carrots, feeding swine on, 180, 181.
- Castrated animals, disposed to obesity, 178.
- Castration of pigs, modes of, 145.
- Catching pigs, 147.
- Cattle shows, benefits and abases of, 177.
- Census of the increase of pigs by breeding, 170.
- Chanting to pigs, 203.
- Character, developing a pig's, 108.
- Charles I., reintroduction of wild boars by, 51, 87.
- Cheshire pigs, 83.
- Chestnuts, swine fed on, 182.
- Chest of the pig, 120.
- Chinese swine, 88,99;
- liable to become over fat, 178.
- Chinese, the, and their pigs, analogy between, 64.
- Choice of boar and sow for breeding, 150.
- Christmas dish, the boar's head a, 51.
- Cinders given to pigs, 189.
- Cleanliness of swine, 41, 189.
- Clover, feeding pigs on, 187.
- Cochon d'Inde. See "Guinea Pig."
- Cœcum, the, 128.
- Coleshill pigs, 179.
- Colic, 129.
- Colon, the, 128.
- Combing pigs, 202.
- Copts, the, rear no pigs, 27.
- Cornish pigs, 85.
- Crete, hogs sacred in, 23.
- Crops, number of swine to be proportioned to the farmer's, 171.
- Crosses, judicious, improve the breed, 153.
- Curing bacon, 213.
- Cuvier, Baron,
- his definition of "Hog," 11;
- on the babiroussa, 14;
- on the capibara, 15;
- on the peccary, 13.
- Dairy refuse for pigs, 179, 192.
- Dead pig. preparing the, 212.
- Definition, zoological, of the pig, 11.
- Democrates' prescription for measles, 143.
- Derbyshire pigs, 79.
- Derivation of term " Hog," 15.
- Desquamation of the skin, 143.
- Diarrhœa, 129.
- Dickens, Charles, on American pigs, 59, 60.
- Dieskau, M. de, taming boars, 40.
- Diseased valves of the heart, 121.
- Diseases of swine,
- described, 102;
- little notice paid hitherto to, 102;
- medicines used for, 140, 223.
- Diseases of the skin, 136.
- Distilleries, pigs fed on refuse of, 179 197.
- Docility of swine, 35, 37, 40.
- Drenching pigs, 148.
- Duodenum, the, 128.
- Early domestication of swine in England, 31.
- Early history of swine, 30.
- Emperor of Austria's wild boar park, 53.
- Empirics, animals not to be intrusted to, 101.
- England,
- breeds of swine in, 77;
- records respecting keeping swine in, 30.
- English swine introduced into France, 72.
- Enteritis, 129.
- Epidemics among swine, 123.
- Epilepsy, 110.
- Epitaph on a prize pig, 178.
- Erysipelas, gangrenous, 137.
- Extinction of wild boars in Great Britain, 50.
- Farrowing,
- best time for, 156;
- rules respecting, 153.
- Fattening pigs, 33, 177, 184, 186, 188;
- excess of, 179.
- Feeding swine, 33, 176, 177, 188.
- Filthy habits of swine denied, 41.
- Fleam, the use of, dangerous, 145.
- Food of swine, 33, 42;
- best kind for fattening, 189.
- Food of wild boars, 47.