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Page:The Hog.djvu/228

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Cæsarian operation performed on a sow, 153.
Cape, the, the phaco-choeres in, 15.
Capibara, the, 15.
Carrots, feeding swine on, 180, 181.
Castrated animals, disposed to obesity, 178.
Castration of pigs, modes of, 145.
Catching pigs, 147.
Cattle shows, benefits and abases of, 177.
Census of the increase of pigs by breeding, 170.
Chanting to pigs, 203.
Character, developing a pig's, 108.
Charles I., reintroduction of wild boars by, 51, 87.
Cheshire pigs, 83.
Chestnuts, swine fed on, 182.
Chest of the pig, 120.
Chinese swine, 88,99;
liable to become over fat, 178.
Chinese, the, and their pigs, analogy between, 64.
Choice of boar and sow for breeding, 150.
Christmas dish, the boar's head a, 51.
Cinders given to pigs, 189.
Cleanliness of swine, 41, 189.
Clover, feeding pigs on, 187.
Cochon d'Inde. See "Guinea Pig."
Cœcum, the, 128.
Coleshill pigs, 179.
Colic, 129.
Colon, the, 128.
Combing pigs, 202.
Copts, the, rear no pigs, 27.
Cornish pigs, 85.
Crete, hogs sacred in, 23.
Crops, number of swine to be proportioned to the farmer's, 171.
Crosses, judicious, improve the breed, 153.
Curing bacon, 213.
Cuvier, Baron,
his definition of "Hog," 11;
on the babiroussa, 14;
on the capibara, 15;
on the peccary, 13.


Dairy refuse for pigs, 179, 192.
Dead pig. preparing the, 212.
Definition, zoological, of the pig, 11.
Democrates' prescription for measles, 143.
Derbyshire pigs, 79.
Derivation of term " Hog," 15.
Desquamation of the skin, 143.
Diarrhœa, 129.
Dickens, Charles, on American pigs, 59, 60.
Dieskau, M. de, taming boars, 40.
Diseased valves of the heart, 121.
Diseases of swine,
described, 102;
little notice paid hitherto to, 102;
medicines used for, 140, 223.
Diseases of the skin, 136.
Distilleries, pigs fed on refuse of, 179 197.
Docility of swine, 35, 37, 40.
Drenching pigs, 148.
Duodenum, the, 128.


Early domestication of swine in England, 31.
Early history of swine, 30.
Emperor of Austria's wild boar park, 53.
Empirics, animals not to be intrusted to, 101.
breeds of swine in, 77;
records respecting keeping swine in, 30.
English swine introduced into France, 72.
Enteritis, 129.
Epidemics among swine, 123.
Epilepsy, 110.
Epitaph on a prize pig, 178.
Erysipelas, gangrenous, 137.
Extinction of wild boars in Great Britain, 50.


best time for, 156;
rules respecting, 153.
Fattening pigs, 33, 177, 184, 186, 188;
excess of, 179.
Feeding swine, 33, 176, 177, 188.
Filthy habits of swine denied, 41.
Fleam, the use of, dangerous, 145.
Food of swine, 33, 42;
best kind for fattening, 189.
Food of wild boars, 47.