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Forester, Lord, his pigs, 88.
Forests of England, swine in, 31.
Four-in-hand, swine driven, 36.
breeds of swine in, 69;
English swine introduced into, 72;
wild boars in, 52.
Fruits, feeding swine on, 43.


Gangrenous erysipelas, 137.
Garget of the maw, 120.
Gauls, the, early breeders of swine, 22.
management of herds of swine in, 32;
mode of hunting hogs, 52;
wild boars introduced from, into England, 51, 87.
Gestation, period of, 164.
Gifford, Master John, on hunting, 50.
Gloucestershire pigs, 84.
best for fattening pigs, 184, 194;
how to be given to swine, 187.
Grains, pigs fed on, 179.
Great Britain,
extinction of wild boars in, 51;
reintroduction of boars, 51, 87.
Greediness of swine, 42, 44.
Green meat, feeding swine on, 187.
Guiana, the peccary abounds in, 13.
Guinea pig, the, 14;
the phaco-choeres in, 15.
Gullet, the, 127.


Hampshire pigs, 87.
curing, 215, 217;
importation of, 220;
Westphalian, 52, 217.
Hangman, boar's head presented to the, 52.
Heart of the pig, 122;
diseased valves of, 122.
Hedgehog, the, 15.
Heliogabalus, boars trained by, 37.
description of his sties, 199;
his method of curing bacon, 215.
Herds of swine, how managed in Germany, 32, 33.
Herefordshire pigs, 84.
Hernia in swine, 135.
History of Toby, a pet pig, 40.
Hogape, 15.
Hog deer. See "Babiroussa"
—— derivation of term, 21
Hog in armor, 15.
—— iron, 15.
—— puddings made by ancient Gauls, 22.
—— sea, 15.
—— with two horns, 14 ; four horns, 15.
Hog's blood used as holy water, 65.
—— dung as manure, 222.
anatomy of, 100, &c.;
attachments of, 40;
best food for fattening, 189;
breeding, 149;
catching and holding, for operations, 147;
cause of their rolling in the mud, 42;
characteristics of, 35, &c.;
chief source of profit in Ireland, 33;
cleanliness of, 42, 189;
collected by the winding of a horn, 32;
despised by Egyptians, 28;
diseases of, 108, 149;
drenching, 148;
driven four-in hand, 36;
early history of, 30;
exquisite sense of smell of, 35, 47, 105;
fattening, 173—197;
functions fulfilled in forest by, 33;
greatly esteemed by Romans, 22;
greediness of, 42 44;
how far the breeding of, is profitable, 169;
how kept in Mexico, 202;
how pulse to be taken, 121;
hunt for truffles, 106;
importation of, 99;
in English forests, 31;
intractability of, refuted, 32, 35—38, 108;
introduction of English, into France, 72;
killing, 211;
laws on price and quality of, 31;
learned, 38;
lucrativeness of keeping, 170, 206;
mad, 114;
masting, 31;
medicines used for, 223;
methods of shooting, in Germany, 52;
mode of keeping, in Germany, 32;
mode of keeping, in Mexico, 202;
number of, to be proportioned to the farmer's crops, 172;
old English, 77;
operations on, 144, 149;
pasturing, 187;
profit of, to the butcher, 206;
racing, 38;
ringing, 148;
roasted, offered to deities, 63;
skeleton of, 103;
skin of, 136;
skull of, 104;
soiling, 187;
sties for, 197:
sucking, 166;
table of increase of, by breeding, 170;
teeth of, 106;
training of, 35, &c.;
used as beasts of draught, 74;
used for ploughing, 37;
usefulness of, 33;
very nice in their food, 43;
warmth required by, 198;
weaning, 168;
weather indicated by, 42.
Hog, the,
in Africa, 66;
Alderney, 73;