- Forester, Lord, his pigs, 88.
- Forests of England, swine in, 31.
- Four-in-hand, swine driven, 36.
- France,
- breeds of swine in, 69;
- English swine introduced into, 72;
- wild boars in, 52.
- Fruits, feeding swine on, 43.
- Gangrenous erysipelas, 137.
- Garget of the maw, 120.
- Gauls, the, early breeders of swine, 22.
- Germany,
- management of herds of swine in, 32;
- mode of hunting hogs, 52;
- wild boars introduced from, into England, 51, 87.
- Gestation, period of, 164.
- Gifford, Master John, on hunting, 50.
- Gloucestershire pigs, 84.
- Grain,
- best for fattening pigs, 184, 194;
- how to be given to swine, 187.
- Grains, pigs fed on, 179.
- Great Britain,
- extinction of wild boars in, 51;
- reintroduction of boars, 51, 87.
- Greediness of swine, 42, 44.
- Green meat, feeding swine on, 187.
- Guiana, the peccary abounds in, 13.
- Guinea pig, the, 14;
- the phaco-choeres in, 15.
- Gullet, the, 127.
- Hampshire pigs, 87.
- Hams,
- curing, 215, 217;
- importation of, 220;
- Westphalian, 52, 217.
- Hangman, boar's head presented to the, 52.
- Heart of the pig, 122;
- diseased valves of, 122.
- Hedgehog, the, 15.
- Heliogabalus, boars trained by, 37.
- Henderson,
- description of his sties, 199;
- his method of curing bacon, 215.
- Herds of swine, how managed in Germany, 32, 33.
- Herefordshire pigs, 84.
- Hernia in swine, 135.
- History of Toby, a pet pig, 40.
- Hogape, 15.
- Hog deer. See "Babiroussa"
- derivation of term, 21
- Hog in armor, 15.
- iron, 15.
- puddings made by ancient Gauls, 22.
- sea, 15.
- with two horns, 14 ; four horns, 15.
- Hog's blood used as holy water, 65.
- dung as manure, 222.
- Hogs,
- anatomy of, 100, &c.;
- attachments of, 40;
- best food for fattening, 189;
- breeding, 149;
- catching and holding, for operations, 147;
- cause of their rolling in the mud, 42;
- characteristics of, 35, &c.;
- chief source of profit in Ireland, 33;
- cleanliness of, 42, 189;
- collected by the winding of a horn, 32;
- despised by Egyptians, 28;
- diseases of, 108, 149;
- drenching, 148;
- driven four-in hand, 36;
- early history of, 30;
- exquisite sense of smell of, 35, 47, 105;
- fattening, 173—197;
- functions fulfilled in forest by, 33;
- greatly esteemed by Romans, 22;
- greediness of, 42 44;
- how far the breeding of, is profitable, 169;
- how kept in Mexico, 202;
- how pulse to be taken, 121;
- hunt for truffles, 106;
- importation of, 99;
- in English forests, 31;
- intractability of, refuted, 32, 35—38, 108;
- introduction of English, into France, 72;
- killing, 211;
- laws on price and quality of, 31;
- learned, 38;
- lucrativeness of keeping, 170, 206;
- mad, 114;
- masting, 31;
- medicines used for, 223;
- methods of shooting, in Germany, 52;
- mode of keeping, in Germany, 32;
- mode of keeping, in Mexico, 202;
- number of, to be proportioned to the farmer's crops, 172;
- old English, 77;
- operations on, 144, 149;
- pasturing, 187;
- profit of, to the butcher, 206;
- racing, 38;
- ringing, 148;
- roasted, offered to deities, 63;
- skeleton of, 103;
- skin of, 136;
- skull of, 104;
- soiling, 187;
- sties for, 197:
- sucking, 166;
- table of increase of, by breeding, 170;
- teeth of, 106;
- training of, 35, &c.;
- used as beasts of draught, 74;
- used for ploughing, 37;
- usefulness of, 33;
- very nice in their food, 43;
- warmth required by, 198;
- weaning, 168;
- weather indicated by, 42.
- Hog, the,
- in Africa, 66;
- Alderney, 73;