- Nasal catarrh, 116.
- Norfolk pigs, 82.
- Northamptonshire pigs, 83.
- Nutritious food for swine, 191.
- Nuts not to be given to pigs, 184.
- Ogilvy, W., Esq., cut of a Chinese sow sent to, 88.
- Old English hog, cut of, 77.
- Operations on swine, 144.
- Os hyoides, the, 118.
- Oxford, boar's head at Queen's College, 51.
- Palsy, 111.
- Panther torn to pieces, by hogs, 62.
- Paraguay, the peccary abundant in, 13.
- Paralysis, 111.
- Paris menagerie, babiroussa at, 14.
- Parturition, 162.
- , cases of difficult, 163.
- Pasturing swine, 187.
- Peas, feeding pigs on, 186.
- Peccary, the 13.
- Peritoneum, 133.
- Peritonitis, 133.
- Pet pig, a, 40.
- Phaco-choeres, the, 15.
- Pharynx, the, 118.
- Phrenitis, 109.
- Pickling pork, 212.
- Pig. See "Hog."
- Pig-doctors, rough practice of, 102, 103.
- Piggeries, proper construction of, 197.
- Piggery, Prince Albert's, at the Home Farm, 200.
- Pig-killing, 211.
- Pig, preparing the dead, 212.
- Pigs, roasted, offered to deities, 63, 64.
- , sucking, 206.
- "Pigs see the wind," 42.
- Pig-sties, proper construction of, 197.
- Pliny alludes to the babiroussa, 14.
- Pleuro-Pneumonia, 123.
- Ploughing, swine used for, 37.
- Poisonous properties of brine, 220.
- Polish pigs, 67.
- Porculatio, 22.
- Porous Trojauus, the, 22
- Pork,
- abstinence from, in hot climates, 23;
- importation of, 220;
- increased demand for, 208;
- pickling, 212.
- Potatoes, staple food for pigs, 180, 181.
- Practitioners, well qualified, should be consulted, 102.
- Pregnancy, treatment of sows during, 160.
- Price of swine, English laws respecting, 31.
- Prize pigs, 177;
- epitaph, on a, 178.
- Prussia, pigs in, 67.
- Pulsations in a state of health, 121.
- Pulse, how to be taken, 121.
- Pumpkins, swine fed on, 183.
- Quinsy, the, 118.
- Rabies in swine. 112.
- Reasoning powers of pigs, 37, 38.
- Rectum, protrusion of the, 135.
- Refuse of breweries and distilleries, hogs fed on, 179, 192.
- Residue of starch manufactories, food for swine, 180, 192.
- Rice, fattening swine with, 187.
- Ringing pigs, 148.
- Roasted pigs offered to deities, 63, 64.
- Rolling in the mud of pigs, explained, 42.
- Romans, breeding swine a study among the, 22.
- Romans, the hog esteemed by, 22.
- Rome, slaughter-house at, 211.
- Roots, feeding pigs on, 180.
- Ropes made from bristles, 74.
- Rotundity of the Chinese and their pigs, 64.
- Royal piggery at Windsor, 200,
- Rupture of the spleen, 132.
- Russia, wild boars in, 54.
- Sagacity of swine, 34, 39.
- Salted pork, importation of, 220
- Sausages, pork, made by ancient Gauls, 22.
- "Schwein-General, the, 32.
- Scotland, aboriginal breeds of swine in, 75.