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Nasal catarrh, 116.
Norfolk pigs, 82.
Northamptonshire pigs, 83.
Nutritious food for swine, 191.
Nuts not to be given to pigs, 184.


Ogilvy, W., Esq., cut of a Chinese sow sent to, 88.
Old English hog, cut of, 77.
Operations on swine, 144.
Os hyoides, the, 118.
Oxford, boar's head at Queen's College, 51.


Palsy, 111.
Panther torn to pieces, by hogs, 62.
Paraguay, the peccary abundant in, 13.
Paralysis, 111.
Paris menagerie, babiroussa at, 14.
Parturition, 162.
—————, cases of difficult, 163.
Pasturing swine, 187.
Peas, feeding pigs on, 186.
Peccary, the 13.
Peritoneum, 133.
Peritonitis, 133.
Pet pig, a, 40.
Phaco-choeres, the, 15.
Pharynx, the, 118.
Phrenitis, 109.
Pickling pork, 212.
Pig. See "Hog."
Pig-doctors, rough practice of, 102, 103.
Piggeries, proper construction of, 197.
Piggery, Prince Albert's, at the Home Farm, 200.
Pig-killing, 211.
Pig, preparing the dead, 212.
Pigs, roasted, offered to deities, 63, 64.
——, sucking, 206.
"Pigs see the wind," 42.
Pig-sties, proper construction of, 197.
Pliny alludes to the babiroussa, 14.
Pleuro-Pneumonia, 123.
Ploughing, swine used for, 37.
Poisonous properties of brine, 220.
Polish pigs, 67.
Porculatio, 22.
Porous Trojauus, the, 22
abstinence from, in hot climates, 23;
importation of, 220;
increased demand for, 208;
pickling, 212.
Potatoes, staple food for pigs, 180, 181.
Practitioners, well qualified, should be consulted, 102.
Pregnancy, treatment of sows during, 160.
Price of swine, English laws respecting, 31.
Prize pigs, 177;
epitaph, on a, 178.
Prussia, pigs in, 67.
Pulsations in a state of health, 121.
Pulse, how to be taken, 121.
Pumpkins, swine fed on, 183.


Quinsy, the, 118.


Rabies in swine. 112.
Reasoning powers of pigs, 37, 38.
Rectum, protrusion of the, 135.
Refuse of breweries and distilleries, hogs fed on, 179, 192.
Residue of starch manufactories, food for swine, 180, 192.
Rice, fattening swine with, 187.
Ringing pigs, 148.
Roasted pigs offered to deities, 63, 64.
Rolling in the mud of pigs, explained, 42.
Romans, breeding swine a study among the, 22.
Romans, the hog esteemed by, 22.
Rome, slaughter-house at, 211.
Roots, feeding pigs on, 180.
Ropes made from bristles, 74.
Rotundity of the Chinese and their pigs, 64.
Royal piggery at Windsor, 200,
Rupture of the spleen, 132.
Russia, wild boars in, 54.


Sagacity of swine, 34, 39.
Salted pork, importation of, 220
Sausages, pork, made by ancient Gauls, 22.
"Schwein-General, the, 32.
Scotland, aboriginal breeds of swine in, 75.