- Sea-hog, the, 15.
- Sense of smell. See "Smell."
- Sharon Turner on swine, 30.
- Shropshire pigs, 83.
- Skin, diseases of, 136.
- Skull of the pig, 104.
- Slut, training of a sow called, 35.
- Slaughter house at Rome, 211.
- Smell, exquisite, of the hog, 35, 42, 45, 48, 105.
- Smokehouse, for curing bacon, 216.
- Snout of the pig, 104
- Snuffles, the, 116.
- Social pigs, 40.
- Soiling swine, 187.
- Sow,
- a Berkshire, 86;
- best time for farrowing, 160;
- choice of, for breeding, 150;
- devouring her young accounted for, 42;
- English on the quality and price of, 31;
- fertility of 159;
- pregnancy of, 160;
- rules respecting farrowing, 160;
- trained to hunt, 35.
- Spain, wild boars in, 54.
- Spaying of sows, 145, 146.
- Spinal cord, disease of, 109.
- Spleen, the, 131;
- absorption of, 131;
- rupture of, 131.
- Splenitis, 131.
- Sporting pig, 35.
- Starch manufactories, residue of, food for swine, 192.
- Stomach, the, 127.
- Strangles, 119.
- Sty, how to be constructed, 197.
- Sucking pigs, 206;
- how to be fed, 206;
- when to be killed, 207.
- Suckling, treatment of sows while, 166;
- the young while, 166.
- Suffolk pigs, 81.
- Sumatra, the babiroussa found in, 14.
- Sus, varieties included under the name of, 11, 12.
- Sussex pigs, 87.
- Sweden, wild boars in, 54.
- Swine. See "Hog."
- Swineherds,
- outcasts from society, 29;
- three powerful, in Great Britain, 29;
- in Germany, 32.
- Swineherd, the, of Ulysses, 30.
- Talented pigs, 37, 38.
- Taming wild boars, 40, 57.
- Teachableness of swine, 35, 39, 40.
- Technical terms for the boar, 50.
- Teeth of the hog, 106.
- Tetanus, 112;
- a consequence of castration, 146.
- Thorax, the, 120.
- Thornton, Col., account of a sow belonging to, 36.
- Toby, a pet pig, account of, 40.
- Toomer, Messrs., a sow trained by, 35.
- Tractability of swine, 35, 39.
- Training swine, 35, 36, 38.
- Trollope, Mrs., on swine in America, 60.
- Trough, the,
- how to be kept, 199;
- description of, 199, 200.
- Truffles, hunted for by pigs, 45, 106.
- Turnips, not beneficial to pigs, 180, 199.
- Twety, William, on hunting, 51.
- Ulysses and his swineherd, 30;
- boarhunt of, 49.
- Usefulness of swine, 34.
- Valves of the heart, diseased, 121.
- Varro on swine's flesh, 22;
- distinctive marks of a good boar, 151.
- Vegetable diet of swine,
- very select, 43;
- feeding pigs on, 180.
- Ventilation required in piggeries, 108.
- Vesical calculi, 134.
- Veterinary surgeons should not be dispensed with, 102.
- Wallachian pigs, 68.
- Warmth required by swine, 198.
- Wart-hog, the, 16.
- Wash, pigs fed on, 179.
- Washing swine, 202.
- Water-hog, the, 15.
- Weather indicated by hogs, 42.
- Western, Lord, his Essex pig, 80.
- Westphalian hams, 52;
- how cured, 217;
- pigs, 68.
- Whey, hogs fed on, 179.
- Wild boar,
- cut of a, 46;
- hunting, 48; 49, 50;
- of Ardennes, 52;
- park of Emperor of Austria, 53.