Page:The Incas of Peru.djvu/389

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My blood now runs in her veins,
E'en now I am noble as she.
Her mother has knowledge of all,
The Queen can attest what I say;
Let me tell all this to the King,
I pray for thy help and advice.
I will speak without fear and with force,
He may perhaps give way to his rage;
Yet he may consider my youth,
May remember the battles I've fought;
The record is carved on my club.

(Holds up his macana.)

He may think of his enemies crushed,
The thousands I've thrown at his feet.
Uillac Uma. Young Prince! thy words are too bold,
Thou hast twisted the thread of thy fate—
Beware, before 'tis too late;
Disentangle and weave it afresh,
Go alone to speak to the King,
Alone bear the blow that you seek;
Above all let thy words be but few,
And say them with deepest respect;
Be it life, be it death that you find,
I will never forget thee, my son.

[Walks up and exit.

Ollantay. Ollantay, thou art a man,
No place in thy heart for fear;
Cusi Coyllur, surround me with light.
Piqui Chaqui, where art thou?
Piqui Chaqui (jumping up). I was asleep, my master,
And dreaming of evil things.
Ollantay. Of what?
Piqui Chaqui. Of a fox with a rope round its neck.