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Page. ... ... ... CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXIX. ORIGINAL ARTICLES-(concluded).

Further notes on the Cultivation of the Bacillas Lepre and the Treatment of Leprosy by the Injections of a Leprolin. By Captain E. R. Rost, I.M.B.... 203, 441

Notes on the Destruction of Mosquitoes in Bijapur. By Captain A. Hooton, L.M.S. ...205

Lemna Minor as a Preventive against Mosquitoes. By Major J. R. Adie, I.M.S. ...207

Notes on the Cultivation of Streptothrix Maduræ. By Captain J. W. Cornwall, M.A., M.D. (Cantab), I.M.S. ...208

Report on Plague and Inoculation Operations, Amritsar District. "By Captain S. Browning Smith, I.M.S. 209

Scurvy in Somaliland. Notes on the Condition of the Blood Serum. By Lieut. J. Fleming Barnardo, I.M.S. ...241

Frost-Bite in the Tibet Mission Force. By Lieut G. I. Davys, B.A., M.B.,, B.A.0., 1.4.8. 245

The Prevention of Tuberculosio. By Major W. E. Jennings, M.D., D.P.H., L.M.8. ...247

Plague : A Soil Infection. By Captain E. F. Gordon Tucker, I.M.S. ...249

Leprosy in the Garo Hills, Assam. By G. G. Crozier, B.8., M.D..... ...253

Note on a base of Malignant Dermoid Cyst of the Neck. By Major D. M. Moir, M.D., I.M.S.; and by Captain Clayton Lane, M.D., L.M.S. ...281

Bacteriology of Parangi (Yaws). By Assistant-Colonial Surgeon Eugene Ellis Modder, L.F.P. & B., G.L.M. ...286

"Carbolic Acid treatment of Plague." By Assistant-Surgeon Mir Hidayatullah, L.M. & B. 287

Piroplasmosis. By Major C. Donovan, I.M.S. ...321

"A Method of Preventing Death from Soake-Bite, Capable of Common and Easy Practical Application. By Sir Lauder Brunton, M.D., F.R.S. ; Sir Joseph Fayrer, Bart.,, T.R.B.; and Leonard Rogers, M.D., I.M.S., eto. 827

Observations on the Effect of the Injection of Leprolín. By Major R. S. Wood, 1.M.S. ... 873

An Outbreak of Plagne at Arrah in 1902–1903. By R. K. Gupta, 1.4.s., M.R.A.B. (Lond.) 336

The Use of Izal in the treatment of Tropical Dysentery. By Major J. C. S. Vaughan, M.B., O.M. (Edin.), I.M.S. ...361

Notos on some cases of Frost Bite. By Lieat. F. Powell Connor, F.R.C.B., I.M.S. ...365

Ultra Violet Rays. By Captain E. C. Macleod, 1.1.8. ...366

The Manuscripts of Naples and the Vatican, and that of Boncompagni (Albertotti) concerning the Ophthalmic Work of Benvenuto, with some considerations and Theories of Reclination of Cataract. By Professor Guiseppe Albertotti. (Translated by Miss K. E. Wilkinson) ...368

Treatment of Goitre with Iodine. By Taraknath Roy ...371

Compulsory Notification of Enteric Fevers in India. By Captain W. H. Orr, I.M.S. 873

Notes on a Case of General Lymphadenoma. (Hodgkin's Disease). By Asst.-Surgn: S. N. Datta, M.B. ...374

Hemp Drugs and Insanity: By Major E. W. F. Ewens, I.M.S., M.D. ...401

Casualties in Tibet. By Major Wimberley, I.M.S. ...413

Plague in Ferozepore. By Lieut. L. B. Scott, I.M.S.... ...450

Commonsopse Policy of Plague. By Lieut.-Colonel W. G. King, I.M.S. ...447

Trypanosomes in India. By A. Lingard, M.A. 445

Use of Guaiquin in Chronic Fevere. By Dr. N. C. N. Row ...455


Brief Notes on Surgical Cases in the Medical College Hospital, Caloutta. By Captain E. O. Thurston, I M.S. ...15

Case of Palmonary Osteoarthropathy. By Captain T. H. Simons, I.M.S. ...16

A Simple Way to Compress the Subclavian Artery. By Lient. L. B. Scott, M.B. (Camb.), I.M.S. ...18

Operation of Cæsarian Section : Recovery. By Captain J. Stodart, I.M.S. ...18

Case of Depressed Fracture of the Skull : Operation, Recovery. By H. Martin Newton, L.R.0.8.E. ...19

Poisonous Snakes and Calmette's Serum : a Successful Case. By Asst.-Surgn. Ferozdin Mohroof ...20

Supposed Dhatura Poisoning : a Personal Experience. By Keshavlal Motilal Mehta ...20

Stiffness of Arm after Amputation of Breast. By Major F. P. Maynard, I.M.S., F.R.C.S. ...54

The Specific Gravity of Urine. By S. Mallanah, M.D. ...55

A Needle passing through the Intestinal Tract. By Asst.-Surgn. Mohroof ...55