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DÖNTENI'S or vot. XXXIX. . 95 96 96 99 ... ... ... A MIRROR OF HOSPITAL PRACTICE(continued). Page.

Slow Hæmorrhage beneath the Dara Mater. By Captain H. P. Johnson, RA.M.O. 56

The Bagdad Boil. By W. H. Cox, 1.M.8. 56

Prolapsus Uteri. By Captain K. F. Standage, 1.M.B. 58

Case of Paralysis Agitants. By Captain J. Good, M.B., T.M.S. 60

Puerpural Eclampsia treated by Morphia. By Captain 0. C. Barry, L.2.8. 60

A Case of Hyperpyrexia and Diabetes. By Captain H. J. Walton, Y.B., 7.B.C.8., 1.1.8. 92

A Case of Double Ablepharon (Congenital). By Captain E. H. R. Newman, M.D., I.1.6. 93

A Case of Karobi Poison. By Captain J. G. 8. Fleming, I.B.M.D. 94

Case of Rupture of Intestine. By H. Martyn Newton, L.R.O.B..... 94

Case of Modified Telma's Operation for Hepatie Sclerosis with Ascites. By A. Neve, F.B.C.B.B. 94

Case of Pyonephrosis with Calculus. Under the care of A. Neve, F.R.O.B.....

Case of Large Goitre ; Excision, Thyroidism : Recovery. By E. F. Neve, F.R.O.s. (Edin.) 95

Ankylostomiasis in the Panjab. By Captain C. H. C. Wimberley, M.B., I.M.B.

Sulphonal Idiosyncrasy. By Mily. Asel.-Surgn. E. J. Murpby

Primary Carcinoma of the Pancreas, with unusual Symptoms. By Captain E. F. Gordon Tucker, I.M.B. 97

Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis in Akyab Jail . By Catpain T. Stodart, M.B., 6.2., 1.8.8.

Six Cases of Tetanus. By Lieat.-Colonel John Smyth, 1.2.9. 137

Cobra Bite : Recovery 188

A Case of Acute Hæmorrhagic Pancreatitis. By Mily. Asst.-Sargo. Arthur T. Torpy 188

Brief Notes on Surgical cases in the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta: By Captain E.O. Thurston, F.R.C.8., 1.M.8. 189

Nobos on a few Selected Operation Cases at the Petit Hospital, Bombay. By Lieut.- Colonel M. A.T. Collie, I.M.S. 177

Cases from tbe Medical Wards of the Medical College Hospital, Calcutta. "By Captain D. McCay, I.M.B. 179

A Case of Accessory Lobale of the Spigelina Lobe of the Liver. By Captain Victor E. B. Lindesay, L.M.8. 180

Poisoning by Atropine. By Captain A. Chalmers, M.D. (Aberdi), 1.4.8. 180

A Case of Spontaneous Rupture of the Spleen. By Lieut. G. I. Davys, B.A., M.B.I.M.8 .... 218

A Series of Five Cases of Hydrocephalus. By Assistant-Surgeon G. V. James 219

Notes of Cases of Paralysis treated by " Massage” in the Campbell Hospital. By 1st Grade Asst.-Surgn. Gopal Chunder Mukerji 255

Case of Distoma Crassum or Buski. By Maj. V. 8. Wood, W.B., O.M., 1.10.8. ... 260

A Rare Congenital Deformity of the Eyes. By Maj. T. E. Dyson, I.M.8. 260

Extra-Uterine (Tubo-Abdominal) Gestation. By Captain R. F. Standage, I.M.8. 287

Case of Lightning Stroke: By Major R. S. Castor, 1.A.B. 290

Radical Cure of Stricture of the Urethra. By Major C. Daer, F.R.O.S., LM.8. 291

Wound of the Diaphragm by a Wild Boar. By Captain W. D. Hayward, I.M.S. 292

Multiple Wounds of the Head By Assistant-Surgeon Benode Behary Ghosul 298

A Case of severe form of Malarial Anæmia treated with Adrenalin.' By Hospital Assie- tapt Sadasiva Pillai, C.M.8. 294

A Case of Sab-Phrenic Abscess. By Assistant-Sargeon Satis Chandra Banerjee 296

A Case of Syphilitio disease of the Liver. By Captain C. Barry, I.M.8. 298

Ligature of the Brachial Artery at the Bend of the Elbow. By Major E. H. Wright, I.M.S. 299

Case of Large Navas-Excision : Recovery. By Captain F. A. L. Hammond, 1.1.8. 388

The Effect of Creosote Rabbing upon High Temperature in Remittent Fever. By Asst.- Surgn. Premananda Das 389

A Unique Case of Intestinal Obstruction. By Captain A. W. Cook Young, 11.8., M.B., B. ch., D.P.E. ; Lieut. G. I. Davys, I.M.8., B.A,M.B., B.cb., B.A.O. 340

Intracranial Operation for Cure of Trigeminal Neuralgia. By Captain W. J. Niblock, 1.M.B. 377

Wound of Thorax and Herdia of Lung By Assistant-Snrgeon A. C. Datta 378

Another case of Spontaneous Rapture of the Spleen. By Captain E. Owen Thurston, F.R.C.8., I.M.B. 379

Case of Gastric disease with Tetany. By Major R. Robertson, 1.2.8. 380

Case of Abdominal Pregnancy : Operation : Recovery. By Lieut.-Col. E. Peok, 1.M.B. 415

Bscision of Tuberculous Glands. By Major J. R. Roberts, M.B, J.R.C.B. (Eng.), 1.M.8. 418

Surgery of Cancer of Penis. By Captain G. T. Birdwood, M.A., M.D. (Cantab.), 1.1.8. 419

A Case of Myxædema. By C. H. A. Ramachandra 420 ... . ... . ... www.mathie LAN 24 UU MUU weir partirus hau guardian, u vu WrUBU ww