Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/22

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The Jew of Malta.

That's not our fault: Alas, our number's few,
And Crownes come either by succession
Or urg'd by force; and nothing violent,
Oft have I heard tell, can be permanent.
Give us a peacefull rule, make Christians Kings,
That thirst so much for Principality.
I have no charge, nor many children,
But one sole Daughter, whom I hold as deare
As Agamemnon did his Iphigen:
And all I have is hers. But who comes here?

Enter three Jewes.

Tush, tell not me 'twas done of policie.

Come therefore let us goe to Barrabas;
For he can counsell best in these affaires;
And here he comes.

Why how now Countrymen?
Why flocke you thus to me in multitudes?
What accident's betided to the Jewes?

A Fleet of warlike Gallyes, Barabas,
Are come from Turkey, and lye in our Rhode:
And they this day sit in the Counsell-house
To entertaine them and their Embassie.

Why let 'em come, so they come not to warre;
Or let 'em warre, so we be conquerors:
Nay, let 'em combat, conquer, and kill all, aside.
So they spare me, my daughter, and my wealth.

Were it for confirmation of a League,
They would not come in warlike manner thus.


I feare their comming will afflict us all.

Fond men, what dreame you of their multitudes?
What need they treat of peace that are in league?
The Turkes and those of Malta are in league.
Tut, tut, there is some other matter in't.

Why, Barabas, they come for peace or warre.

Happily for neither, but to passe along
Towards Venice by the Adriatick Sea;
With whom they have attempted many times,
