Page:The Jew of Malta - Marlowe (1633).pdf/23

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The Jew of Malta.

But never could effect their Stratagem.

And very wisely sayd, it may be so.

But there's a meeting in the Senate-house,
And all the Jewes in Malta must be there.

Umh; All the Jewes in Malta must be there?
I, like enough, why then let every man
Provide him, and be there for fashion-sake.
If any thing shall there concerne our state
Assure your selves I'le looke unto my selfe.aside,

I know you will; well brethren let us goe.

Let's take our leaves; Farewell good Barabas.

Doe so; Farewell Zaareth, farewell Temainte.
And Barabas now search this secret out.
Summon thy sences, call thy wits togethre:
These silly men mistake the matter cleane.
Long to the Turke did Malta contribute;
Which Tribute all in policie, I feare,
The Turkes have let increase to such a summe,
As all the wealth of Malta cannot pay;
And now by that advantage thinkes, belike,
To seize upon the Towne: I, that he seekes.
How ere the world goe, I'le make sure for one,
And seeke in time to intercept the worst,
Warily garding that which I ha got.
Ego mihimet sum semper proximas.
Why let 'em enter, let 'em take the Towne.

Enter Governors of Malta, Knights met by
Bassoes of the Turke; Calymath.

Now Bassoes, what demand you at our hands?

Know Knights of Malta, that we came from Rhodes
From Cyprus, Candy, and those other Iles
That lye betwixt the Mediterranean seas.

What's Cyprus, Candy, and those other Iles
To us, or Malta? What at our hands demand ye?

The ten yeares tribute that remaines unpaid.

Alas, my Lord, the summe is overgreat,
I hope your Highnesse will consider us.
