Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/34

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the people of God, they would act like the captive Jews did in Babylon, to whom Jeremiah writes thus: “Pray for the King of the city where you are captive; for their peace is also your peace.” But our bastards and false Jews think they must curse us, hate and do us all manner of harm wherever they can do so; for which they have no reason whatsoever. Therefore they certainly are not God’s people. More about this later.


[Very interesting are the dissertations about the sophisticated manner of the Jews in hiding their hatred against Jesus under sham names. Here it says:]

Accordingly they treat His (Jesus’) Name. For Jhesus in Hebrew means “Healer” or “Helper.” The ancient Saxons used a name: “Helprich” or “Hilprich,” which sounds like the name Jhesus which we now would call “Helprich,” that is, who may or should he able to help. Distortingly, however, the Jews call Him “Jesu,” which in Hebrew is neither name nor word, but simply three letters or ciphers, or cipherletters, as if I were to take the letters CLU as ciphers and make the word CLU ont of them, that is 155 (CLU, Roman ciphers: C—100, L—50, —V—5—155. V and U originally are the same). Thus they call Jesu, that is 316. Such a figure is said to bring about
