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another word which means Nebel Borik. About this you may read more in Anton, Margaritham. What Devil’s work they practice with such numbers and words.

They treat us Christians in like manner. When we come to them and they receive us they pervert the word: God welcome you (German—seid Gott wilkommen) and say: “Shed wil kom,” that is: “Devil, come!” or “There comes a Devil.” Since we do not understand the Hebrew, they secretly practice their hatred against us, that we think they are friendly to us while they curse us with the fire of hell and all misfortune.


Thus they call Him (Jesus) the child of a whore and His mother, Mary, a whore, whom she had in adultery with a smith. Reluctantly I must speak so coarse in opposing the Devil. Now they well know that they speak such lies in plain hatred and wilfulness, solely to poison their poor youth and simple Jews against the Person of our Lord, to prevent them from accepting His doctrine (which they cannot deny). Sabastianus Muenster also points out in his Biblia, that there is said to be a poisonous Rabbi who does not call the dear mother “Maria,” but “Haria,”
