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children of the Devil.” As His forerunner, John the Baptist also says. Now such rulers and such merciful saints who wish the Jews well, will be the last to let us alone to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, who, of course, knows all hearts better than such merciful saints; that these Jews must be a generation of vipers and children of the Devil; that is, who grant us just as much good as their father, the Devil. What good that fellow has done to us, we Christians should have understood long and well from experience besides the statements of Scripture.

Whoever has a desire to lodge, nurse, and honor such poisonous Serpents and young Devils; that is, the worst enemies of Christ our Lord and of us all; and permit himself to he abused, plundered, robbed, spit upon, cursed and suffer all evil, let the Jews be commended to him. If this be not sufficient, let him also be put into his mug or crawl and worship such a sanctuary, and afterward boast that he had been merciful, had strengthened the Devil and his young Devils to blaspheme our dear Lord and the precious blood with which He has bought us. In that way he will be a perfect Christian, filled with deeds of mercy, for which Christ will reward him on Judgment Day with the Jews and eternal hell fire!
