Page:The Jews and Their Lies.pdf/55

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If that be rudely spoken it is said to the rude cursing of the Jews! Of which others write much, which also the Jews well understand that it is called cursing, as they who thereby knowingly want to curse and blaspheme.

Let us also speak of this in a subtle, and as Christians, in a spiritual way. Thus says our Lord Jesus Christ: “Whosoever receiveth Me, receiveth Him that sent Me.”—Matthew 10:40; “He that despiseth you, despiseth Me; and he that despiseth Me, despiseth Him that sent Me.”—Luke 10:16; “He that hateth Me, hateth also my Father.”—John 15:23; “That all men should honor the Son as they honor the Father. He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father who hath sent Him.”—John 5:23.


Will you say: Yes, the Jews do not believe and do not know this, because they do not accept the New Testament? I answer: May the Jews know or believe this or that; we Christians know that they openly blaspheme God the Father when they blaspheme and curse this Jesus.

If God would say to us now or on the Day of
