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- Polygon, central, 60.
- Polygon, spheric central, 77.
- Poncelet, 11, 150.
- Potter's wheel, 208.
- Pouyer-Quertier, 470.
- Practical mechanics, 36.
- Practical work, 54.
- Praying mills, 207.
- Pressure-click, 456.
- Pressure-organs, 174, 268.
- Pressure-organs, chaining of, 342, 567.
- Pressure-organ pairs, 542.
- Prime-movers, 498, 505, 524.
- Prime-movers, the first, 225.
- Primitive boring, 206, 214, 599.
- Primitive methods of fire-production, 597.
- Prism chains, 553.
- Prism pairs, 90.
- Profiles of elements, determination of, 146.
- Profiles, cross, 89, 610.
- Profiles, of screw-thread, 89.
- Prolate point-paths, 126.
- Prolate trochoids, 592.
- Prunier, 477.
- Puffing Billy, 209.
- Pull-click, 456.
- Pulley, the, 279, 604.
- Pulley block, 577.
- Pulley-chains, 565.
- Pulley (fixed), 18.
- Pulley tackle, 181, 604.
- Pump-cylinders, 473.
- Pumps, as ratchet-trains, 477.
- Push-click, 456.
- Quadric cylindric crank-chain, 283.
- Quadric conic crank-chain, 327.
- Quick return motions, 299, 306.
- {sc|Rack}}, 268, 537,
- Rack click-train, 457, 475.
- Railway-wheels, 171.
- Ramelli, 9, 365, 384.
- Ramey, 427.
- Rankine, Prof., 23.
- Ratchet-trains, 180, 455, 461, 498.
- Ratchet-trains, fluid, 476, 479.
- Receptor, the, 487, 497, 512.
- Redtenbacber, 14, 38, 451.
- Reduced centroids, 70.
- Reduction of chains, 333, 553.
- Regulator or regulating gear, 514.
- Reichenbach, 3.
- Relative motion, 43, 57, 79.
- Repsold, 417.
- Résal, 16.
- Restraint against sliding, 98.
- Restraint against turning, 103.
- Restraint in closed pairs, 113.
- Restraint of elements, 96.
- Retaining-gear, 462.
- Reversal of pairs, 302.
- Reverse anti-parallel cranks, 290.
- Reversed click-train, 459, 479.
- Reverse cranks, 192.
- Reversed fluid ratchet-train, 479.
- Reversing-link, 95, 311, 320.
- Reversed ratchet-gear, 498, 518.
- Reverted epicyclic trains, 429.
- Reverted trains, 426.
- Reverted wheel-train, 574.
- Révillion, 422.
- Revolute pair, see solids of revolution.
- Rhombus, in higher pairs, 130.
- Rigg's turning-gear, 200.
- Rigid elements, table of pairs of, 538.
- Rivets, 443.
- Robertson's steam-engine, 551.
- Robertson's water gearing, 611.
- Rolling-mill engines, 189.
- Römer, 155.
- Root, 378, 411.
- Ropemaking, 218.
- Rope-pump, 543.
- Ropes, 451.
- Rösky, 384.
- Rotary engines, 343, 498, 581.
- Rotation about a point, 76.
- Rotation, continuous, 207.
- Roulettes, 152, 592.
- Routledge, 459.
- Ruled surfaces, 79, 81, 535.
- Running-gear, 498.
- {sc|Safety-locks}}, 467.
- Samarkan, 222, 228.
- Schiller, 245.
- Schwartzkoff's spanner, 320.
- Schneider, 362.
- Scoop-wheel, Chinese, 207.
- Screws, 83, 88, 94, 201, 222, 281, 591.
- Screw-chain, 440, 546, 555.
- Screw, endless, 83.
- Screwed joints, 438.
- Screwing-machines, 491.
- Screw pair of elements, 88, 556.
- Screw and nut, 88, 94.
- Screw and nut, first use of, 222.
- Screw-wheel pairs, 536.
- Secondary centroids, 74, 155.
- Sector, symbol for, 252.
- Sector and slot, 295, 310, 321.
- Segmental wheels, 564.
- Seller's wheel-cutting machine, 238.
- Sensible forces, 33.