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- Separation of elements, 469, 471, 472.
- Serkis-Ballian, 377.
- Serviéres, 406.
- Set-screw, 440.
- Set-wheels, 153, 162.
- Seven-linked cylinder chain, 550.
- Seven-linked screw chain, 555.
- Shadoof, 220, 228, 602.
- Shafts, 444.
- Shaping-machines, 299.
- Sharp's coupling, 446.
- Shrinking on, 444.
- Simple machines, 275, 604.
- Simpson and Shipton, 358, 373.
- Single action, 457.
- Skew double-slider chain, 322.
- Skew screw chains, 555, 574.
- Skinner's steering-gear, 547.
- Slider-cam trains, 460.
- Slider-crank, 296, 344.
- Sliding pairs of elements, 91.
- Sliding pairs, circular, 181.
- Slot, see Sector.
- Slotted disc, 304.
- Slotting-machines, 299, 312.
- Smith, 371.
- Smyth, 368, 427.
- Solid angular linkwork, 607.
- Solids of revolution, pairs of, 90, 286, 533, 610.
- Space bounding a figure, 213.
- Spanner, adjustable, 320.
- Special formulæ, 272.
- Special synthesis, 528.
- Spheric central polygon, 77.
- Spindles, 445.
- Spindles, hand, 217.
- Spinning by hand, 216.
- Spinning machines, 496, 513.
- Spinning-wheel, 219.
- Springs, 176, 185, 480, 483.
- Spur-wheel trains, 179, 262, 267, 402, 453, 574.
- Square, in higher pairs, 131.
- Stamm, 16, 513.
- Steam-boat, 269, 271, 521.
- Steam cylinder, 473.
- Steam cylinder, Papin's, 7.
- Steam-engine, as a compound chain, 569.
- Steam-engine, descriptive analysis of, 516.
- Steam-engine, main train of, 188.
- Steam-engine, see Rotary, and under proper names.
- Steam-hammer, 95.
- Steering-gear, 547, 577.
- Stocker, 369.
- Stoltz' pump, 476.
- Star-wheels, 564.
- Stop-gear, 514.
- Stopping, methods of, 472.
- Storing of energy, early use of, 225.
- Strained joints, 448.
- Stuffing boxes, 473.
- Sun- and planet-wheels, see planet.
- Supply train, 513.
- Swinging-block, 297, 356.
- Swinging cross-block, conic, 331, 391.
- Swinging double-slider, 317.
- Swinging slider-crank, 300, 371.
- Sylvester, 197, 590.
- Symbols, kinematic, 251,
- Symbols of relation, 255.
- Synthesis, kinematic, 16, 52, 527, 581.
- Taylor and Davies, 393.
- Table of crank-trains, 323.
- Tangye, 450.
- Tapped bolt, 440.
- Tchebyscheff, 355, 573.
- Temporary axis, 77.
- Temporary centre, 60, 77.
- Tension-click, 456.
- Tension organs, 173, 439, 451, 539, 565.
- Tension organs used under thrust, 175.
- Tension organs in chains, 565.
- Tension organs in pairs, 539.
- Textile industry, 524.
- Theory and practice, 1, 55.
- Thibetan prayer mills, 207.
- Thomas, 475.
- Thomson, 427.
- Three-cylinder engines, 190, 347.
- Tilt hammer, 230.
- Tool, 487, 490, 493, 512.
- Toothed-eccentric, 578.
- Toothed-wheels, 151, 153, 156, 281, 535.
- Toothed-wheels, see spur, bevel, etc.
- Traction-engines, 235.
- Trammels, 318.
- Transmitting parts, 487.
- Transport on common roads, 235.
- Trochoids, 64, 121, 592.
- Trunk-engine, 347
- Turbines, 497, 516, 548.
- Turning-block, 299, 360.
- Turning cross-block, 313, 375.
- Turning double slider-crank, 314, 374.
- Turning, early attempts at, 211.
- Turning, Roman, 212.
- Turning pair, see solids of revolution.
- Turning slider-crank, 296, 344.
- Twirling stick, 205, 207, 597.
- Twisting, 79, 591.
- Twisting of axoids, 82, 591.
- Twisting pair, 88, 556.
- Tylor, 205.
- Uhlhorn, 470.
- Unconstrained closure, 484, 504, 554.
- Universal joint, 260, 331, 446.
- Unwin, Prof., 163.