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- Valves, 97.
- Valves, as click-trains, 474.
- Valves, classification of, 473.
- Valve-gear, 512.
- Vose, 477.
- Ward, 362.
- "Waterwitch," 190.
- Water-gearing, 611.
- Water-rods, 182, 184.
- Water-wheels, 182, 268, 271, 497, 504, 516.
- Watt, 3, 234, 433, 459, 576.
- Wedding, 359.
- Wedge, 278, 442, 554.
- Weights in force-closure, 188.
- Weisbach, 14, 585.
- Wheatstone, 465.
- Wheels, ancient, in British Museum, 601.
- Wheel and axle, 280.
- Wheel-chains, 263, 562.
- Wheel-chains, compound, 267, 569.
- Wheels of infinite diameter, 431.
- Wheels of one tooth, 418, 564.
- Wheeled-vehicles, 208, 600.
- Whitworth, 306.
- Willis, 12, 154, 161, 176, 249, 587.
- Wind-chests, 199.
- Windmills, 497.
- Wine-press, 230, 6U3.
- Witty, 375.
- Wood. 396.
- Woodcock, 377.
- Working parts, 487.
- Work-piece, 495, 511.
- Worm-wheels, 83.
- Yule, 353.