Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/172

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men walked about among the others, but displeased all, and caused but laughter and scorn. This induced me also to contemn them.

(The Mahomedans.)

3. We then enter another temple, which was rounded, and no less pretty than that of the others; but it was without ornaments, except a few letters on the walls and carpets on the floor. Meanwhile, the people within demeaned themselves quietly and piously; they were clothed in white, and were great lovers of cleanliness, for they were ever bathing; also did they give alms to the poor, so that in consequence of their behaviour I felt some affection for them. And I said: "What motive, then, have these men for their actions?" Searchall answered: "They carry under their clothing." And then I step nearer and endeavour to see. But they said that this was fitting but for the interpreters. Still, I wished to see, and based my request on the permission that I had received from the lord Fate.

(A Summary of the "Al Koran.")

4. And a tablet was procured and shown me, on which stood a tree with its roots extending upward towards the sky; but its branches jutted into the earth. All around a large number of moles were digging, and one large mole went round, called the others together and directed their work. And they told me that manifold delicious fruits grew on the