Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/173

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branches of this tree under the earth, which, they said, these quiet and industrious little animals obtained. "And this," quoth Searchall, "is the summary of this their religion." And I understood that its foundation was on the air of vain opinion, and that its purpose and fruits was but to burrow in the earth, to seek solace in invisible delights that existed not, and blindly to search for they knew not what.

(Mahomedanism is founded on Force.)

5. And leaving this spot, I said unto my guide: "How, then, do these men prove that this is a certain and true foundation of a religion?" He answered me: "Come and see." And we go behind the church to a market-place, and behold these white-clothed and well-washed men ran about with tucked-up sleeves, with sparkling eyes, biting their lips, roaring fiercely, sabring all they met, and wallowing in human blood. Then I was afeard, ran back, and said: "What, then, are these men doing?" The answer was: "They are discussing concerning religion, and proving that the 'Al Koran' is a true book."

(There is Discord between the Persians and the Turks concerning the "Al Koran.")

6. And we again enter the temple, and lo! among those also who carried the tablet there was, as I ascertained, strife as to which was the foremost mole.