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Flattery appeared for one side, and Prattler for the other; but Simplicity declared that she needed him not. Questioned whether she admitted that of which she was accused, she said: "I admit, dear my lords. Here I stand; I cannot speak differently. May God help me!" Then the judges, crowding together, collected the votes. Nogod said: "It is, indeed, true what this wench sayeth; but what business had she to gossip thus? If we let it pass, she will use her jaw against us also. I give my vote in favour of her being punished." Lovestrife said: "Certainly; for if such a thing were passed over once, others also would ask for forbearance." Hearsay said: "I do not, indeed, truly know what has happened, but as the complainant lays so much importance on this matter, I conclude that it really gives him pain. Let her then be punished." Partial said: "I had known before that this chatterer blabs out everything she knows. It is necessary to stop her jaws." Loveself said: "The injured man is my good friend. She should at least have spared him, for my sake, and not have affronted him in this fashion. She deserves punishment." Lovegold said: "You know how bounteous he[1] has proved himself; he deserves our protection." Takegift said: "It is so; we would be ungrateful if we did not attend to his complaint." Ignorant said: "I know no precedent in this case. Let her suffer as she has deserved." Then Knowlittle: "I do not understand the case. I agree to whatever sentence you may pass." Slovenly said: "Be it as

  1. I.e., the complainant.