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it may. I accede to everything." Careless said: "Can we not defer the lawsuit? Perhaps the matter will clear itself up later." Hasty said: "Not so; let us gladly pass judgment." Then the Lord-Justice said: "Certainly; whom have we to consider? As the law will sit, so must it be done." And rising, he delivered his sentence: "As this prattling woman has given herself up to much unbecoming conduct, and shows ill-will to good men, she shall receive forty stripes, save one, to subdue her unbridled tongue, and as an example. This sentence is to be made known to her." Then the complainant, with his council and witnesses, bowed and thanked for this just finding. It was made known to Simplicity also. But she gave herself up to crying and to wringing of hands. Then saying that she had not respected the law, they ordered her punishment to be rendered yet more severe, and she was seized and led forth to punishment. Seeing the injustice that had been done, I exclaimed, unable to contain myself: "Oh, if all tribunals in the world are as this one, may God the Almighty so help me that I may never be a judge, or go to law with anyone!" "Be silent, madman," said the interpreter, and he placed his fist before my mouth. "On my oath, I say that through thy talking thou wilt receive as bad and worse punishment than this woman." And, indeed, lo! the plaintiff and Flattery already begin to bring forward witnesses against me. Then perceiving this, and being afeard, I hurried thence, I know not how, scarcely drawing breath.