Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/276

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phers, Mammon, and others—advised the zealots to moderate themselves and behave in a more temperate fashion. When the wisest of men, Solomon, had submitted his mind and become accustomed to the ways of the world, why should they walk apart from the others, and continue to cavil? But this advice was not heard; the more they saw that Solomon's example misled and deceived many, the more they angered, ran to and fro, screamed and raged; and this matter caused great riot.

(Public Forces are sent against them.)

3. For the queen, who had been advised of all this by her attendants, issued charters by which she summoned all men to her aid. Power, the leader of her bodyguard, was appointed general, and ordered to arrest the rioters and punish them as a warning to all. Then the alarm was sounded, and many assembled, prepared for the war, not only men of the estate of the mercenaries, but also magistrates, officials, judges, tradesmen, philosophers, physicians, lawyers, and even priests; women even went forth in divers dresses and with divers arms (for it was said that against such public enemies of the world all must give their aid, be they young or old). Seeing this vast army rolling along, I ask my guides: "What will now befall?" Then the interpreter: "Now wilt thou learn what is the fate of those who, by their cavilling, cause riots and conspiracies among men."