Page:The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart.pdf/277

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(Battle, Captivity, Murder, Burning, and other Torture.)

4. Then these men, attacking now one, then a second, a third, a tenth, strike, cut, and knock them down, trample them underfoot, capture them, bind them, lead them to prison, according to the greatness of their fury against each one of them. It is wondrous that my heart broke not from pity; but though terrified by such cruelty and quivering, I yet dared not budge. Then I see that some of those who had been imprisoned and struck down wrung their hands, craving pardon for their deeds; while others maintained their opinions, however cruelly they were treated. Then, incontinent, some were before my eyes cast into the fire; others thrown into the water, hanged, decapitated, crucified, tortured with pincers, sawed, pierced, chopped, roasted on gridirons—I cannot, indeed, number all the cruel forms of death that these men suffered; but the worldly ones rejoiced and exulted over this.
