Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/25

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70. Of the division and quantitie of the Boll, firlot, and water weichtes.

ITEM, They ordained the boll to mette victual with, to be divided in foure partes, videlicet, foure firlottes to conteine a boll, and that firlot not to be maid after the first measure, nor after the measure now used, but in middle measure betuixt the twa.

ITEM, The boll sall conteine in breadth twentie nine inches within the buirdes, and abone twentie seven inches and a halfe, even over-thort, and in deepenesse nineteene inches. ITEM, the firlot sall conteine in breadth even over-thort sextene inches under and abone within the buirdes, the thicknesse of baith the buirdes sail conteine ane inche and ane halfe, and in deepenesse it sall conteine nine inche, the halfe Firlot, and the pecke thereafter followand, as effeiris. The firlot sall conteine twa gallounes and a pynte: And ilke pynte sall conteine be weicht of cleare Water of Tay, fourtie ane ounce: That is to saie, twa poundes and nine ounces Trois: Swa weyis the Galloune twentie pounde and audit ounces: Swa weyis the Firlot fourtie ane poundes, and the Boll conteinand foure Firlottes, weyes aucht-scoir foure poundes. The aulde Boll first maid be King DAVID the First, conteined a sexterne, a sexterne conteined twelve gallounes of the aulde mette: And ilke galloune weyed ten pound Trois, and foure ounce of diverse Waters. Swa weyed the Boll sex-score three pounds, swa weyis the Boll new maidmair, then the auld boll xxxxj. pound, qulilk makis twa gallounes and a halfe, and a choppen of the auld mette, and of the new mette ordained nine pyntes and three mutchkinns.

71. Anent ulawes for burning.

ITEM, As anents sire, it is seene speedeful that in ilk Burgh, or greate Haven Towne, and throuch-faire that is greate, that the Aldermen, Baillies, or the Governoures of the Tounes, see and gif bidding within in their Tounes, that na Hempe, Lint, Stray, Haie, Hedder, nor Broome be put neare the fire, nor abone the low in fire houses. And this be themselfe or men under them, be ilk Moneth seene, and quha sa after forbidding maid till him, be founden faultise, sall paie ane unlaw, as faultise, in Burgh, als oft-times hee is founden faltise and unforgiven. And gif the Aldermen, Baillies or Governoures, of the Tounes be negligent in the execution thereof, they sall be in fourtie schillinges to the King.

72. 'Sellers of Haie and straie suld have ane Lanterne.

ITEM, That Sellers of Haie or Fodder in Burgh, cum not to their Haie-house with candle, but lanterne, under the paine of the samin unlaw, als oft as he beis founden faltise.

73. That certaine ledders be founden ay reddie in the Burgh, for happening of fire.

ITEM, That in ilk Burgh their be ordained of the commoun coaste, sex, seven or aucht Ledders, after the quantitie of the Burgh: twentie fure the ledder, and that they be keeped in a reddie place of the Toune, and to that use and nane uther, under the paine of the foresaid unlaw. And of the samin wise there be ordained three or foure Sayes to the commoun use, and sex or maa Cleikes of iron, to draw downe Timber and Ruiffes that ar fired.

74. Of commoun women and huires.

ITEM, That commoun women be put at the utmost endes of the Towne, quhair least perrel of fire is: and that na man set them houses in the heart of the Toun, under the paine of ane unlaw, or zit receipt them under the samin paine.

75. Of fire, and the paines thereof.

TTEM, Gif burning happenis in onie Toune, fra the Fyre be stanched, the Alderman, Baillies, and Governours of the Tounes, incontinent sall inquire quhom throw, & how the fire happened, & it be founden on purpose deed, forefaultour sall be punition to them, And gif it happenis of misgovernance, & not of set purpose: if it be servand & that servand have gudes, he sall be punished in his gudes, be the sight of the Governoures of the Toune, and given to the man that thoilis the skaith, and sine banished the freedome for three zeires: And gif the servand hes na gudes, he sall be doungin openlie at the mercat-croce, and throw the Toune, and sine banished that freedome for seven zeires.

ITEM, Gif it be a man that awe the house, and burnis it rekleslie, or his wife, or his awin bairnes, quhidder his Nichtbours takis skaith or nane, attour the skaith and schame that he thoilis, he or they sall be banished that Toune for three zeires. And gif it be ane man that maillis the house, and burnis it reklesly, he sall amend the skaith after his power, and be banished the Town for threezeires. And gif it be a stranger or a traveller, he sall be arressted: gif he be of power, to amend the skaith and if he be not of power, he sall byde in sickernesse at the Kings will.

ITEM, Gif the Baillies and Governours of the Toune, findis na man in wyte, bot of suddainecaise