Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/288

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z66 KING JAMES THE S EXT quhilkis ar appoynted to remaine with our faid Soveraine Lords fecond Sonne , be fett in iew-ferme be vextue of this dinolutiofi: The famin fall nawayes be annaliied , disponed, nor put awayefra our faid Soveraine Lordis fecond Sonne: Bot the fame landes and profites thereof, albeit they be hereafter fett in few-ferme-, fall remaine in propertie with him, after the for me of the A&e, maid be King James the Thrid, our Sove- raine L ordis maift Noble Predeceflbur. AikI als providing that this prefent diflblution , fall Hand during the dayes of our faid Soveraine Lord-, that now is allanerlie. Swathat what Landes, lis Hienes in his time fettis in few-ferme , to quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , for augmentation of his rental , as faid is, the famin fall abide with the faidis perfones , their aires and fucceflbures in few and heritage lor ever. And after our faid Soveraine Lordis deceafe, the annexation of the remanent landes, not fett in few in his Hienes times , fall returne to their awin nature. Thir ar the names of the landes to the quhilk this prefent diflblution is , and fall be extended. They ar to fay , The landes of the Erledome of Rolje , and Lordfliippe oiArdmannoch, The landes of the Erledome oiOrknay , with the lies perteining thereto ; The landes annexed to the Crown, lyand within the Schireffedome of Edinburgh, and Conflabularie oiHadingtoim : The Friers lands olAber- dene, quhilkis were before difponed to George Erie cJPfer/chel: The landes and Lordfliippe of Menteith, difponed to James Lord T)oun: The landes and Lordfliippe of Galloway , aboue and beneth O re. The Erledome oiCfrfarch , and the Lordfliippe olEttrick Forrefi. it. THE KINGIS GENERAL REVOCATION %*~f&%!® f$%0t E JAMES, Be the Grace of G O D King of Scott es , feeing now of perfite age , of ^^^^^?^^ twentie ane zeires compleit, and knowing [the remeid competent tQUS be the cbrhmoun s Lowe, and Lawes of our Realme , In revocation of all and findrie alienations, donations, venditiones, or utheris- difpofitions quhat-fum-ever, maid te us in our minoritie and lefle to tm Cro&n age, or be our predeceflbures in their times, in hurt and detriment of our Crown , our fauK and confeiences againft all Zavves of our Realme , and theirin following the exempli of our moft Noble Progenitoures , in their general Revocariones : And being latelie pail our faid perfite age of twentie ane zeires , and ane large fpace within our age of twentie five zeires , during the quhilk, the remeid of our Revocation is competent to us-: We make our General Revocation , ihrhaner following. FIRST We revoke, cafle, annul! , retreit and refcind , all and findrie infeftmentes , chartours* giftes, donationes , alienationes , and difpofitiones quhat-fum-ever , maid be our umquhile deareit Mother, before our Coronation : To quhat-fum-ever perfon or perfones , in ony of way , in fee, few-ferme, or franck- tenement , of ony Lands, Lordfliippes, Barroiinies, cuftomes, annualles, fiichinges, Burrow mailles or Gall- ic wardes, annexed to our Crown, Offices of Jufticiarie , and Schireiteinips within the famin , appertain- ing thereto, incontrair, the a&es of annexation maid there-upon of before: And quhair lauchfull diflblu- tion of the faid annexation was not maid be our faid umquhile dearefl Mother, and her three Eflaites in Par- liament, in her awin time , to the effect that the fame fall be of nane availe in time cumming, after the dait heirof. 'zanies AND SlK-LIKE, We revoke, annull and retreit , all and findrie infeftmentes , Chartours, giftes, h '"I" r g lie donations, alienations, and difpofitions quhat-fum-ever, fees and penfiones difponed be us, of our faid annexed awin proper Landes, at ony time preceeding in our Minoritie , andiefleage: Except the fees and penfiones difponed to the OfBciars of our Crown, their deputies and Clerkes, as hereafter fall be excepted. Refes.vand alwayes foorth of this our Revocation, the haife lands of e2Sksxt^4berlednauch, fet in few- ferme in our minoritie , to our trufcie fervitou r Six John Cfrlurray oiTullibardin Kniclit , ane of Our Maiflers ■ ofHoulholde, And fik-like refervand foorth of this our Revocation, all and haili the lands of Knocktane, Kildarroch, Kirrie-imlcok , and five marke-lande of Kereburne , lyand within the Schirefldome of Wig- totm , and kindlie poflcfliones to Sir 'Patrick Waus oiBarnbarroch Knight : Svva that he and his aires may brink the fame, according to his infeftments theirof, daited at Haly-rude-hou/e , the twentie day of No- vember -, The zeir of God 1 5- 8 x. zeires. ill pnr.- ITEM, We revoke all alienationes and difpofitiones quhat-fum-ever , of onie rentes , lands, orheri- r-f./ie. ta g eSj annexed to the Principality , or to the Prince quha is alwayes fecond perfon of this Realme , maid be us , or onie our predeceflbures , to the prejudice and hurt of the Prince, fecond perfon forefaid. of tm- ITEM, We revoke, cafle, annull and retreit , all infeftmentes, donationes , alienationes and difpofi- UnlesA tl0ns ' granted be us, our Regentes and Governours for the time , in our minority and lefle age ; To quhat- fum-ever perfon or perfones in fee, few-ferme, lyfe-rent, or uthervvayes , of ail uthers Landes , rentes,: annualles and revenues , not annexed to our Crown , quhilk our umquhill dearefl Mother had in her poflef- j of ofjices. fion before our Coronation. And of all offices fik as Chalnierlaneries , and Baillieries , and of die Office oil cuftomarie, maid for maa zeires but fra checker , till the compt be maid in the checker after following , Con ' sicttdUes, flabularies, and Bailleries of our proper lands and Caftelles. And als we revoke and annull all rentalles Tbtlrotir au ^^ationes and takkesofour proper Landes and rentes, maid be us our Governours and Regents, inoui til ° je> minoritie , abone the fpace of five zeires. of annex* ITEM, We revoke, retreit, refcinde and annull , all and quhat-fum-eyer infeftmentes or rentalles o ed landes. ■* r r few-feraie