Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/372

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35"° KING JAMES THE S E X T zeirofGod, anethoufand, five hundreth , ninetie audit zeires, exhibite and produce to die Thefaurare of augmentations , and his deputes , their infeftmentes and titles, quhair-by they bruike and poflefle the faidislandes : To the effect his Hienefle and his faidis officiates may be infpection thereof , underftaiide the dewrie quhilk they , and ilk ane of them audit and fuld pay to his Hienefle s The qnhilk Gierke, fall ex- tract ane minute thereof: And all the fpeciall claufes and provifiones gif ony be conteined in the faidis infeft- mentes , to remaine with him , as ane trevv and authentick rentall , of his Hienefle Temporalitie in time cum- mins; : And gif ony of the faidis fewars tailzies in the premifles , the infeftment of few-ferme , and all uther richt and titlequhilk he can alleage and pretend to the faidis landes , to be null; and of nane availe , force nor effect , be way of exception or reply : and it fall be leafum to the King and his Thefaurar forefaid, to intromet, lift, and uptake the mailles, fermes, anddewties, atthetermeandfeafcof/F/^-j^W^, nixt and imme- diate following , the faid firft day oljanuar forefaide : And ordainis that this aft e fall be imprented before the firft day of Maij nixt-to-cum : Or failzieing thereof , fall bee openly publifhed at the heade Burgh of ilk Sehire : And that the famin fall not be extended to ony perfon , quha lies produced and fchawen their hal- dinges alreadie. ^4<S. Attfewes may be decerned null; for not payment of the dewtie, albeit naproi'i- fion be maid there-aneut in the infeftments, OOR Soverainc Lord , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, haveand con federation of thegreate damnage and skaith , quhilk his Majeftie and lieges of this Realme fufteinis , throw evill and untimous pay me nto i the lew dewties of their landes, fet in few-ferme • Therefore ftatutis and ordainis , that in-cafg it fall happen in time dimming ony vailail or fewar , haldand lands in few-ferme , of our Soveraine Lord , or oi ony uther fupenour immediathe in few-ferme , to failzie in making of payment of his few dewtie to our SoverainLordt> Comptroller, or uther havand power of him , or to uther immediate fuperiour , or uthers liavand power of him, be the fpace of twa zeires , haill and togidder : That they fall amitte and tine their faid few of their faids lands , conforme to the civill and cannon Law : Sik-like and in the fame maner , as gif ane claufe irritant were fpeciallie ingrofled and infert in their faidis infeftmentes of few-ferme. 4 4 7 . It is not leafiim to take mair annuall-rent or profit e , nor ten for the hundreth. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , havand confidera- ration , that exorbitante profite and ufurie taken for the lene of money : Is nocht onlie bee the Lawe of GOD condemned, bot alfwa is forbidden bee the Lawes of this Realme, and Actes of Parliament : Therefore ftatutis and ordainis, that nane of our Soveraine Lords lieges take upon hand in ony time here- after , to take ony greater profite, or annuall-rent, for the lene of money , outlier be infeftment , or be: band or contract , directly, or indirectly , bot ten for the hundreth, under paineofconfifcation of all their moveable guddes and geare : And to be uthenvayes punifhed in their perfones, as commoun ockarers, according to the Lawes : And for that effect , to be called and perfewed at particular diettes , before the Juftice and his deputes, to underly the Lawe for the famin , And that all infeftmentes , contractes , andi obligationes to be maid in time cumming , for payment of annuall-rent of victuall : That the victuall therein conteined , fall be reduced to fik conformitie of price , as fall anfwere to ten for the hundreth allanerlie : Swa i that the partic addebted , payand ten for the hundreth, the famin fall be als lauchfull , as gif they had payed the vi<tuall conteined in the faidis infeftments. And becaufe there is divcrfe perfones' , quha obreinis them- felvesinfeft in the propertie of landes, forfmall fummes of money, under reverfion: andfettis tack back againe to the heretour , or uthers to his behoove , for payment of ane great dewtie in filver Or victuall, far exceeding the profite of Ten , for ilk hundreth : As alfwa be contract , band or obligation , makis fimulat forme, oi byeing or felling of victuall, to be delivered at ane certaine day , and failzieing thereof, certaine high prices iiquidat therein , of intention onely in defraud of the faid act , to recover with their principall fum- me, fik exorbitant ocker and profite, as is clircctlie forbidden herein : As likewife there is diverfe perfons, quha the time of die deburfing of the faidfumme, quhilk they let to profite, aggries with the partie for the ufurie and ocker , far exceeding the ordinarannttall-rentforelaid, and reteinis the fame in their handes, and akis their fecuritie be plain forme of obligation , oruthervvayes of the haill fumme to be payed at ane certaine terme , as gif na fik exorbitant prorite and ocker had bene deduced or allowed therein : There- fore ftatutis and ordainis , that all fik infeftments , bandes , contractes , or obligationes , quhilk fail hap- pen to be maid , in maner forefaid , in defraud of the faidis acts and ftatuces , and for circumvention of the lieges , aftrktand them to pay farder profite in filver , nor according to ten for the hundreth : or mair victuall, nor may be anfwerable in price , to the annuall-rent in filver forefaid , in maner abone fpecified , fall be null, and of nane availe , force nor effect , as gif the famin had never bene maid : Notwidiftanding quhat-fum- ever uther culloured or pretended claufe be infert therein : And the faid nullitie upon the cauies fore-faid; to be received fummarlie , alfvveill be way of exception and reply , as be way of aition , and to be tryed be the aith of partie , and all uther lauchfull probation conjoyned therewith , competent of the Law; quharrby the faid un-lauchfull ocker may be verified to the Judge, and the faid nullitie to be perfewed be the