Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/373

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FIFTENTH PARLIAMENT. XIX. of December. i S97 . 3S i the partie, his aires, executoures, and afilgnayes ; with concurrence of the Kings Advocate, againll the creditour, his aires and executoures : Notwithftandingquhat-fum-ever ratification of the bandeandinfeft- ment, or renuntiation of the faid action , granted be the partie , quhairin it fall nocht be leafum to him to tranfacl: , without his Majefties confent and licence granted to that effect : And the faid infeftment , band , and obligation being reduced : the Kingis Majeftie and his donatour to have undoubted richt to the principall fumme quhilk was delivered , togidder wit h the ordinar annualrent , of all zeires and termes bygane unpayed: and the partie to have repetition of quhat-fum-ever exorbitant profite he hes payed, exceeding the ordinar annuall forefaid , in-cafe he concur with his Hienes Advocat , in the faid reduction , utherwayes to be debar- red from the repetition of ony fummes payed be him : The Kingis Majeftie alwayes , his Advocat and dona- tour to have full richt in their perfones , to perfew the reduction , and annulling of the faidis fecutities , for the caufes forefaidis , albeit the principall partie refufis to concur with them therein. £48. The paine of Bearers, ufers , or fchntters with Tijlolettes , Cuherings ,dagges, or ingines of fire-war he. OUR Soveraine Lord , ratifies and apprievis the Acre of Parliament, maid of before be his Hienefle, with confent of the three tftaites, in the Moneth of 'December , 1^67. anent fchutting and bearing of Culveringes, and uther ingines of fire-warke , and ordainis the fame to be put to execution with ail rigour. * And the contraveeners thereof , to be punifhed , conforme to the painesconteinei therein : Andmairover, be confifcation of all their guddes moveable : Swa that the ane paine fall not ftop or (lay die uther , except it be utherwayes thocht expedient be his Hienes ; 1 he ane halfe thereof, to ap perteine to the apprehender, for his travell and laboures : and the uther halfe to be applyed to our Soveraine Lordis ufe : And for execu- tion thereof, makis and conftitutis , ilk Schirefte , Steward, Baillie, Barronne, and Provefles , Aldermen and Baillies within Burgh , his Majefties Juftices in that parte , everie ane within their Freedomes and Jurif- di&iones : with power to them to fearch , feek , take and apprehend the offenders and contraveeners , and put them to ane affile , and being convict , to put them in warde , quhill the paine forefaid be paid, anduntill they finde ficker fovertie to forbeare in time cumming : And this acte to ferve for ane fufficient commiffion, to die effect forefaid. X49_ 7 he prices of gold and filver : Of foreine Cuinzie , and Btilzieon. OUR Soveraine Lorde and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies, apprievis, andconfirmis the the ade maid zx.'Dundie , the fourteenth day of Mai; , 1597. anent die downecrying of the filver: of the quhilk the tenour followis. The quhilk day the Kingis Majeftie , his ,obilitie , Councell and Eftaites prefentlie conveened : confiddering the prefent fcarcetie of cuinzied money , now current within this Realme: And the great dearth and exorbitant prices, quhairunto all fortes of golde and filver , alfweill foreine , as of his Hienefle awin Cuinzie , ar prefentlie redacted , be the libertie , quhilk all fortes and degrees of perfones takis at their awinhandes, in raifingofthe prices of all Golde and Silver at their pleafure, farrc abone die jufte availle , prefcrived in his Hienefle Lawes , Actes , and Proclamations , maid thereanent ; Bee the quhilk forme of doing , and bee the un-lauchfull tranfporting of the Cuinzie at all times foorth of this Realme, great dif-ordoure and confufion hes bene interteined, and is lykelie daylie to in-creafe, to the hurte of the commoun weill , and greate contempt of his Hienefle , and his authoritie , gif the Lawes alreadie maid here- anent , fall not bee put to dew execution in all poyntes , according to the tenour thereof, with ail convenient expedition, AND THEREFORE, his Majeftie, with advife of his faidis Nobiliae, Councell, and Eftaites forefaidis , hes concluded and ordained , and bee thir prefentes ratifies and apprievis , the Lawes al- readie maid, anent die difchargeing of the daylie raifingofthe prices of Golde ond filver. AND OR- DAINIS, that all and findrie perfones, tranfgreffoures of the faidis Lawes , in raifingofthe faidis prices, fall bee called , tryed, and punifhed therefore , with all extremitie. AND FORDER, That his Hienefle , with advife of his faidis Nobilitie , Councell , and Eftaites fore-faidis , lies thocht meete to declare and make it manifeft : THAT Fra the feventeenth daye of Mai/ inftant , The ounce of filver cuinzied in ten fhilling peeces , and the uther fmaller peeces of elie- ven pennie fine, cuinzied according to the lafte acfte of Parliament, fall ftande at fiftie fhillinges : And I the aulde threttie fhilling peeces, being of the like weicht and finefle , at the fame price : And the newe threttie fhilling peeces, being three quarters of ane ounce, at threttie feven fhillinges fex pennies : And 1 the aulde and newe twentie and ten fhillinge peeces, according thereto , pro rata : And the ounce of Golde, of twentie twa Carret fine being his Hienefle awin Cuinzie, offivepounde and fiftie fhillinge pee- ces , fall alfwa ftande at threttie pounde the ounce : AND FORDER, That the fpeces oi money , , and finefle thereof : To wittc, of clleven pennie fine in filver : And twentie twa Carrette fine in Gold, fall bee Cuinzied, and have courfe hereafter , conforme to the Actes of Parliaments , maid there-anent: AND THAT All Merchandes , or utheris perfones , tranfportersofthefamefoordiof diis Realme, be tryed and punifhed according to the faidis Lawes and Acles forefaidis : And fik-like , that na foreine Cuinzie of Golde or filver fall have courfe amangft his Hienefle lieges hereafter : Bot halilie in-brocht to ferve as Bulzieon to his Majefties Cuinzie-houfe. And that all Golde , filver, or uther Cuinzie , quhilk fall be Ccc i brocht