Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/463

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CMets, CMeaJtires and Weights. 441 Weight through all the parts of this Kingdome , which mall univerfallie ferve all his Majefties Lieges (by the ! which and no other) they fhall buy and fell , all and whatfomever Wares accuftomed to be bought and fauld ! by Weight alfwel Forraine , as Countrie- Wares 5 in all tyme hereafter: to wit, The French Troys Stone

Weight , conteining Sexteine Troys Pounds , in the Stone, and Sexteine Troys Unces in the Pound , and

the lefler Weights and Meafures to be made in proportion conforme thereto : ( And that Weight called of old the Trone weight to be allutterhe abolifhed and difcharged , and never hereafter to be receaved nor ufed.) And in refpeft that the keeping and out-giving oi the'Weightsofold to the Burrowes, and others his Majefties Lieges within this Kingdome ; was committed to the Burgh oi Loner k : Therefore the faids Com- 1 miflioners have committed the keeping and out-giving of the faid French Troys Stone Weight , now eftablilli- ed , to the forefaid Burgh oiLanerk and their Succeflbrs , to be given out by them and their faids Succeilbrs 1 to the Burrovves and others his Majefties Lieges, betwixt the date hereof and the Firft day of Maij next-to* I come , and in all tyme comming. AND Lykewayes Statutes and Ordeins , that there be double Standards of the forefaids Firlots and Mea- fures , and Jedges thereof, and of the forefaids Weights , Two of everie one of them to remaine in the Re- Bgifter , within the Caftel of Edinburgh , and other two within the Caftel oiT)unbritane , therein to remaine as a warrand for the Meafures allannerlie. And the other in the Townes to whom they have been committed

of old as faid is , to be direct foorth to the whole Lieges to be ufed univerfalie. And this without prejudice to 
any perfons who are founded, infeoft,or addetted , by Tack or contract , of old or new fermes of other Mea-

1 fures and Weights ; but that their Foundation , Inieoftment, Tack , or Contract , fliall be proportioned to the Meafure and Weight now eftabliihed', fo that the fame quantitie (hall remaine with the giver and receiver,

but prejudice to any of them. Sicklyke they have found and declared, That the Fine and Stand thereof com-

I mitted to the keeping of the Burgh oi Edinburgh, conteineth Thirtie {even Inches. And that the Pinte Stowp, ■ committed to the keeping of the Burgh oirSterline, conteineth die Weight of Three Pounds feaven ounces of French Troys Weight cleare running wattcr of the watter of Leith. Which Elne, andStowp, They Statute

and Ordaine , to remaine and abyde in the fame integritie as they are now , and that no other El ne nor Stowp,

or greater or lefle proportion containing the faid weight , fhall be receaved by ane of his Majefties Leiges in any tyme comming, to buy or fell with , in any part of this Kingdome. And that the halfe and quarter Fines ,

and halfe quarters, and Nails
Quart, Chopin, Mutchkin, and halfe Mutchkine Stowps , bee made in
proportion conforme thereto. And the Burghcs of Edinburgh , and St cr line , to whome the keeping there- 

of hath been committed of old ; have the out-giving ofthefameto the reft of the Burrows and all others his [Majefties Lieges to that eftecT:, betwixt and the Firft day of Apryle next-to-come : And that they have dowble Standards of the faids Elne , and Stowp , Two of everie one of them , To remaine in the Regifter kvithin the Caftel oi Edinburgh , and within the Caftel oiT)unbritane, for a warrand as faid is : and the other Jwith themfelves and their Succeflors , to whome they have been committed of old : And that the forefaids 1 Meafures, Mets , and Weights , with the which all and whatfomever perfons lhall be holden to buy , fell, mett, Meafure, Weigh , and deliver, have courfe allannerlie within this Realmc; after the dayes refpe&ive after following viz. The Weights after the Firft day of May next-to-come , and the Meafures of Firlots and Pecks , and the reft of that degree , after the Firft day of June next thereafter , and no other Weights , Mets , nor Meafures , to bereceaved nor ufed in any tyme hereafter ; in any part of diis Kingdome, under the paines [contained in the Ads of Parliament made thereanent : and that all Firlots to be ufed in Markets both to Burgh andLandbe brunt and fealed either with the Marks and Seals of _inhthgou in maner forefaid, or with the

burning Iron of the head Burgh of the ihyre wherein the faids markets are holden , And that the Proveft and

IBaillies of Royal Burrowes , and Cities both Regalitie and Royaltie, and als the Baillies of Burrowes in iBaronnie, and JufticesofPeacein whatfomever places where Markets of Victual are holden, or others Forraine or Countrie- Wares lhall be bought, fauld, and Weighed, Mett , and Meafured, fliall be bound, That !all Meafures and Weights to be ufed fliall be of one forme and quantitie , according to this prefent Ad : And if any different Meafures and Weights be found in any of the places above-mentioned , T he faids Proveft and Baillies of Royalties , Regalities, Baionies and Juftices of Peace; lhall take order therewith , and if need be lhall be holden to informe the Kings Majefties Council thereof , that they may take order thereanent as


Provydingalwayes as is before provyded, if any perfons be founded or infeoft, and addetted by Tack, or Contract, of old or new Ferme,of other Meafures & Weights,then are before written in manner forefaid; Their foundation, Tack or Contract, whether it be more or lefle, fliall be proportioned to this Meafure and weight which now is eftablillied , fo that the fame quantitie fliall remaine with the giver and receaver , but prejudice to any of them in maner particulate before exprefled. Andbecaufeby the Provifions immediatlie before written , divers Pleyes and queftions ,' may aryfe betwixt parties , receavers and deliverers , Maifters and tennents, Fewers and their Superiors , anent Fermes and Victual , andficklyke anent other ftufF and due- ties addetted, and bound to be payed and delivered by Weight , either by Infeoftments, Tacks , Foundations, Bandes , or Contracts whatfomever , made before the date hereof anent the conforming and proportio- nating of the Meafures and Wtights contained in the faids infeoftments , Tacks, Foundations and others Secu- rities forefaids, with the Meafures and Weights now eftablillied , if fure nottice andtryal be not taken of the juft Meafure and quantitie of the Meafures and Weights, which have been molt Cuftomablie ufed & receaved Ooo j thefe