Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/465

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XXII L T ARLIAMENT. IV. of Auguft, i6zi. 443 THE XXIII. PARLIAMENT Of Our CWoJl High and Tiread Soveraigne J A M S By the Grace of GOD , King of SCOTLAND, ENGLAND, FRANCE and IRELAND, Defender of the Faith , &c. Haldcn at Edinburgh, the fourth day of Auguft , i6xi. by the Noble andTotent Lord JAMES CMarquis of Hamilton, EarleofAnane, and Cambridge, Lord Aven, and Innerdail, &c. Commijfioner appointed for holding of the /aid Tarliament , by vertue of his tJAtajefties Commijfwn granted to him under the great Seale of this Kingdome •. with the fpecial advife , confent aud ajfent of the Efiates of this Realme. ACT I. t^A Ratification of the Five ^Articles of the General Affembly of the Kirke , halden at Perth, in the (JMoneth oft^Auguft, i 6 i 8. UR SOVERAIGNE LORD, With advice and confent of the Eftates of Parliament prefently conveened , ratifies and approves the Acts of the General Aflemblyof the Kirk, halden at Terth, the xxv day of Auguft , the yeare of God J ai V»« and eighteen , and concluded the twenty feventh of the fame Moneth, Sejfwne fecunda , Whereof the tennour followeth. I. SINCE We are commanded by GOD himfelfe,that when wee come to worfhip him , wee fall down & kneele before the LORD our Maker; & considering with all, that there is no part of Divine worfhip more heavenly & fpiritual , then is the holy receaving of the blefled body and blood of our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST: Lyke as the moft humble and reverend gefture of the body in our meditation and lifting up of our hearts , befl becommeth fo divine and facred an Action. Therefore notwithstanding that our Kirk hath ufed fin'ce the Reformation of Religion , to celebrate the holy Communion to the people fitting , by reafon of the jreatabufe of kneeling ufed in the Idolatrous worfhip of the Sacrament by the Papifts: Yet now, feeing all tnemory of by-paft fuperftition is pafl. In reverence of GOD, and in due regaird of fo Divine a Myflerie, ind in remembrance of fo my fticalane Union, as wee are made partakers of ; The Aflembly thinketh rood , that , that blefled Sacrament be celebrated hereafter meeklie and reverentlie upon their Knees. I I. [T E M , if any good Chriflian vifited with long ficknes , and knowne to the Pallor ; by reafon of his pre- fent infirmitie , unable to refort to the Kirke , for receaving of the holy Communion , or being ficke , Ihall leclare to the Paftor upon his confdence , that hee thinkes his ficknefle to be deadly , and fhall earneflly de- lire to receave the fame in his houfe : The Minifler fhall not deny to him fo great a comfort , lawful warning I eing given to him upon the night before , and that there bee three or foure of good Religion and-converfation, iree of lawful impediments , prefent with the ficke perfon to communicate with him , who muft alfo provide convenient place in his houfe; and all things neceflarie for the reverend adminiftration thereof, according 'o the order prefcrived in the Kirke. .III. TEM, The Minifter lhall often ad monifh the people, that they differre not the Baptifing of Infants, . any longer then the next Lordes day after the childe bee borne , unlefle upon a great and reafonable caufe eclared to the Minifter, and by him approved. As alfo they fhail warne them , that without great caufe they