Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/470

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44 8 KING JAMES THE S E X T of Martinmefie , in the yeare of our GOD, 1623 yeares. And thefumme of ot her thirtie fliillinges, money afore-faid, at the Feaft and Tearme of Martinmefie , in the yeare of our GOD, 1624. yeares. And for the Spiritual men , and the Burrowes partes of the fame Taxation , That there mall be up-lifted of everie Arch-bifhopricke , Bifhopricke , Abbacie, Priorie, and other inferiour benefice : and of everie free Burgh within this Realme, at everie one ofthefaidsfoureTearmes of payment, thejuft Taxation thereof, and as they have been accuftomed to be taxed unto in all times bygone,whenfoever the Temporal landes within this Realme were ftented to thirtie fliillinges money the pound land of old extent : And the fame Taxation to be payed at every one of the foure fevcral Tearmes above- written. AND for In-bringing of the Spiritual mens parts of the fame Taxation , Ordaines letters to be directed , charging all and fundry Arch-bilhops , Bifliops , Abbots , Priors , as likewife all Noble-men , and others , in whofe favour the Erection of any Prelacie, or other inferiour Benefice, or any part or portion thereof, bee it landes, Kirkes, or Teynds, or in whofe iavour the Patronage of any Benefice, Kirkes, ofTeyndes, ispaft, and all other beneficed perfons contained in the Taxt Rolles , their Chalmerlains , factors and intromettours with their Rents and living to make payment of that fumme that they and every one of them are taxt unto for every one of the faid foure Tearmes payment to the Collector General to be appointed by His Majeftie, forreceavingofthefaid, whole Taxation , or to his Deputes , and Officiares in his name , having his power to receave the fame at the particular Tearmes above-written , under the paine of rebellion , and putting of them to the Home. And if they faille therein at the by- paffing of every one of the faids Tearmes, to denounce the Difobeyers Rebelles , and put them to the Home : and to efcheate , &c. And that the Prelates , and beneficed perfons , and fuch Noble-men , and others , in whofe favours the Erections and Patronages above-written , are pad for their re- liefe, have Letters, charging their Vaflalles, Sub'vafiales, Ladies oiTerce, Conjunct- feears, Life-renters, Fewares , Tackef-men, and Penfioners , to make payment of their partes ofthefaide Taxation , each one of them _pro rata ] according to the fumme that they fliall be taxed unto ■ To the faids Prelates , and other beneficed perfons, and to the faids Noble- men and others , having power to receave the fame , within twen- tie dayes next after the charge , under the paine of rebellion , &c. And if they faiiie , to denounce , and Ef- cheate , &c. And to poind and diftraine therefore , as they fhall thinke moft expedient : Providing alwayes , That the firft Tearmes payment of the faid Taxation be ever paft , before the next Tearmes payment be charged for. Alwayes declaring, that the production of fufrlcient Horninges againfl the faiJs Vaflalles , Few- ars, Tackes-men, and Penfioners , fliall be a reliefe to the faids Prelates, Lordes of Erections , and bene- ficed perfons : And ihall exoner them [ pro tanto ] irom payment of the laid taxation : providing that the fame Horninges , ■ with their Taxed Rolles, authentickly made , and fubferibed by the faids Prelates , Lords of Erections , and beneficed perfons, and by their Fewars , Vaflalles , Tackes-men and Penfioners , in man- ner hereafter prefcribed, containing the particular fumme which each one of them are taxed unto,be delivered to the Collector of the fame taxation, within the fpace of threefcore dayes after every Tearme: Otherwayes he fhall be nowayes oblifhed to receave the fame.Neyther fliall the Prelate,Lord of Erection,& beneficed perfon, be exonered, by production of the fame, at any time thereafter. AND FURTHER, That the faids Pre- lates , and fuch Noble-men , and others , in whofe favours the Erections ani Patronages above-written , are* paft, and all other beneficed perfons, may have their reliefe of their faids Vafials, Sub-vaffals, Ladies of" Terce, Conjunct-feears , Life-renters, Fewars, Tackes-men, and Penfioners , to the greater eafe , and lefle trouble to their faids vafials , and others forefaids. AND, to the effect that every one proportionally may paye his part of the faid taxation , according to the quantitie and availe of the free rent which he hath of his Benefice , Landes , Penfion , Kirkes , and Teind- flieaves pertaining to him, as well the Prelate , Lord of Erection , Patron, and other beneficed perfons, themfelves, as the Fewar , Tackes-man, penfioner : IT IS thought expedient , ftatute, and ordained, That the faids Prelates , and others above rehearfed , every one of them feverally fliall conveene his whole Fe- wares , Vaflalles , Tackef-men and Penfioners , at the particular places hereafter defigned : THEY A R E T O S A Y , the Arch- bifliop of San[i-Kndre r wes , at the Cine of SancJ-Andrewes : The Arch- bifliop of Glafgow , at the Citie of Glafgow : The Bifliop of Qrknay , atzheTowm of Kirkewal: The Bi- fliop of Caithnes, at the Towne of T)umoch : The Bifliop of Rofs , attheTownsofChaunrie of Rojs-. The Bifliop of Murray , at the Towne of Elgin -. The Bifliop of Aberdeen , at the Burgh of hberden : The Bi- fliop of Brechin, attheBurghof^rar/w/: The Bifliop of Dunkeld, attheTowneofDutikeld: The Bifli- op of T)umblane , at the Towne of c Dumblane •. The Bifliop of Galloway , at the Towne of JVigton: The Bifliop of Argyle , at the Burgh of Itinerary. The Bifliop of the Ties , at the Burgh of Roth/ay in Bute ■. The Abbot of Icolmekil , at the Burgh of Innerneffe -. The Prior of ' Ardchattane , at the Burgh oflnneraray : ! The Abbot of Feme , at the Burgh of Thayne : The Lord of Bewlie , at the Burgh of lnnemejfe -. The Lord of Kinlojfe , at the Burgh of Forres : The Prior ofVlufcardcn, at the Burgh of Elgin : the Lord ofDeir, at the Towne of Peter-head: The Prior of Fyvie , at the Towne of Turreff; The prior of Monymujke , at the Towne of Monymujke : ThehordofArbroith, at the Burgh of Arbroith : The Lord of Scone, at the i Burgh of T earth -. The Lord of Cowper , at the Towne of Cowper, in Angus: The Prior of Refienneth, at the Burgh of Forfar: the Collector of the Taxation , in place of the Prior of Charter-houfe , the Seate now i : vacand, at the Burgh of T earth : the Prior of Elcho, at the fame Burgh of dearth: xhzVnoioiStraphillane, at the Burgh oflnneraray ■. the Lord of Inchajfr ay, at the Burgh ofl* earth : the Prior of luchmahomo, at the Burgh

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